META : Monika

Monika Chapters with written content

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Some chapters have unpublished content, and some, like the former Prologue, are hidden from this list



#1Meeting Monika
(11580 words in 11 steps)
2020-12 block 3
Game 1You meet Monika, your neighbor with body image issues. She is nice and ready to get down.

Fantasies: Bondage, Cuckolding, Mouth Gag, Oral sex on a girl in chastity, Prince Albert Piercing
(and free)
#2Deeper with Monika
(7104 words in 7 steps)
A ) 2020-12 block 4
B ) 2021-01 block 6
Game 1You get a lot close to Monika, who takes some... liberties with your chastity

Fantasies: Bondage, Prince Albert Piercing
(and free)
#3After Monika
(58995 words in 57 steps)
A ) 2021-02 block 1
B ) 2021-02 block 3
C ) 2021-02 block 5
Game 1After dumping Monika, things get weird at the College,

Fantasies: Permanent Chastity
(and free)
K1Monika wants longer times
(46837 words in 21 steps)
A ) 2023-06 block 1
B ) 2023-06 block 3
Keyholder.topIn Progress