When this background color is used (Yellow), you are reading content from a normal Allan step: Allan is the point of view character, and you are probably locked in chastity. This is the default content type.
Content from the Cronenberg Annex Game
When this background color is used (gray), you are currently reading content from the Cronenberg Annex Game.
Content as Jenny
When this background color is used (Orange), you are reading content from Jenny's point of view, who is a Lesbian girl who is into female chastity and prison play with her girlfriend/dominant, Crystal.
Content as Kyle
When this background color is used (Purple), you are reading content from Kyle's point of view, who gets recruited into chastity by his girlfriend who is a member of the True Goddess Movement.
Content as Carter
When this background color is used (Light Blue), you are currently reading content from Carter, who is in the TGM with Tara and having the time of his life
Content as Tim
When this background color is used (blue), you are currently reading content from Tim, who is not in college, and is an adult married to Zoe, a teacher at the college.
Content as Niles
When this background color is used (Dark Green), you are currently reading content from Niles, who wants Cassandra, his gilfriend, to be a hotwife.
Content as a naturist
When this background color is used (Green), you are reading content from Helga's story line in which you are naked on campus, not wearing a chastity device and where you live your life as a naturist (while still being denied by Helga).
Content as Alicia
When this background color is used (Pink), you are currently reading content from Allan, who is cross dressing as Alicia. At this moment, Cathy, Julie and Evelyn can trigger Alicia
Controlled by Monika
When this background color is used (Black), you are currently reading content from Allan, during which you are under Monika's control, without realizing it.
Controlled by Evelyn
When this background color is used (Red), you are currently reading content from Allan, during which you are under Evelyn's control.
Content from Daisy's point of view
When this background color is used (Peach), you are currently reading content from Daisy's point of view.