META : Cardio

Cardio Chapters with written content

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Some chapters have unpublished content, and some, like the former Prologue, are hidden from this list



#1Meeting the crew
(10006 words in 13 steps)
2020-12 block 3
Game 1Allan meets the cardio crew and agrees to tutor them in Calculus in exchange for sex. Only, his chastity complicates things.

Fantasies: Having a harem of girls to please, Losing your virginity
(and free)
#2Committing to the crew
(10380 words in 12 steps)
2020-12 block 5
Game 1The crew decides on a game: one of the 4 girls gets the key at random, and Allan needs to pleasure each one to know which one has it. You pick the order. This is the first round.

Fantasies: Locked threesome with two girls, Losing your virginity, Oral sex on a girl in chastity, Sex out of chastity
(and free)