Chapters with written content, where Jude appears

Chapters with written content, where Jude appears
JudeJude finds Allan and proposes to date him. She is always in a good mood, always proposes favors for him, is always willing to go the extra mile and is never opposed to his ideas. And yet, she is a firm FLR believer. How can she go along with all of Allan's ideas, despite keeping control over the relationship? Easy! She is a pathological liar. Yes, she will cuckold him next weekend, she will say today, but then, the weekend comes and goes without anything happening, unless it's what she wanted in the first place. Yes, after you go down on her, she will unlock you, but then, she is too tired. She gets control by lying her ass off about what she will do LATER in exchange for what you will do for her NOW. She will repay you for your efforts... she promises it. Like, she, just, doesn't keep her promises. Oh, she will apologize for it, and promise to make it up to you. But won't. Also believe in Gynarchy: that women should run the world.Details

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#1Starting to Date Jude
(6177 words in 7 steps)
2024-05 block 1
Game 1Jude comes into Allan's like to date him, and asks him to be patient with her, to give her time to get acquainted with him, and asking a lot from him in exchange for a better relationship later.For supporters
($1 and more)
#2Jude answers Allan's requests
(15528 words in 23 steps)
2024-05 block 2
Game 1For supporters
($1 and more)