Chapters with written content, where Ella appears

Chapters with written content, where Ella appears
EllaElla is a deaf student at the college, who finds Allan and is interested in his chastity. Why? Because she only has one thing in sexuality which interests her: Pegging a man! With Allan in chastity, she can feel secure that he will not try to take advantage of her.Details

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Some chapters have unpublished content, and some, like the former Prologue, are hidden from this list



#1Meeting Ella
(4990 words in 5 steps)
2023-11 block 1
Game 1Allan and Teagan argue when Ella reads the conversation on their lips, and jumps in with a proposal to play with him. However, there is a language barrier

Fantasies: Pegging
#2Knowing Lilian a little more
(5883 words in 4 steps)
2023-11 block 2
Game 1Since Ella is deaf, her best friend and roommate is her sign translator, even when having sex or dating Ella, but Allan begins to see that she isn't a reliable translator at all time and has her own agenda.

Fantasies: Pegging