Chapters with written content, where Carrie appears

Chapters with written content, where Carrie appears
CarrieCarrie is probably the girl of the 4 that expects the most from the boys who come live with her, but also who orders the least. She finds that Bianca's dealing of punishment and Iris' barking of orders are both distasteful, and while she respects Erika, she still finds it a chore to boss around guys. No, there is only one way in her mind to handle boys who need to be controlled: with a schedule, and a list of tasks. Guys need to do what they are told, without needing to be supervised by the ladies who are born to be served. Details

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Some chapters have unpublished content, and some, like the former Prologue, are hidden from this list



#1Meeting Bianca and her coven
(12308 words in 11 steps)
2021-05 block 1
Game 1You meet Bianca and get the invitation to move in with her three female friends who are all into FemDom.Live
(and free)
#2Moving in
(11245 words in 9 steps)
2021-05 block 3
Game 1You've made your decision: you are going to move in with Bianca, Erika, Carrie and Iris.Live
(and free)
#3Closer to Erika
(10764 words in 11 steps)
2021-05 block 5
Game 1Erika begins to get close to you, now that you are getting settled in.Live
(and free)
#4Treatment Plan
(10364 words in 8 steps)
2021-10 block 4
Game 1Erika and Carrie have developed a treatment plan to help Erika, and you are at the center of it.Live
(and free)
#7A new Erika with Carrie
(14292 words in 9 steps)
2024-01 block 6
Game 1Erika has opened her mind to new options, and decides that she wants Carrie to help her out, but Carrie will only do so if Allan is also on