Summary of Chapter Zlata #1: Zlata begins her mayhem campaign

Zlata begins her mayhem campaign, where she tries to get everyone on campus to be naturists. To get Allan on board, she uses an old punishment the Cossacks of Ukraine inflicted on traitors, which made them impotent. Note: Allan will not meet Zlata's roommate (his high school crush Corey) in Zlata's chapter 1. Only later...

Game 1

Schedule for writing

Entire chapter: 2023-10 block 5


Number of steps: 6

Total words: 7061 words

Steps in this chapter

21481Zlata recruits you for her mayhem
21492Hidden for inner steps
21503Hidden for inner steps
21514Hidden for inner steps
21525Hidden for inner steps
21536Hidden for inner steps

Fantasies in this chapter

Characters in this chapter

ZlataCorey's roommate, a naturist from Ukraine who usually hangs out in Stanley during the dayDetails
TeaganGirl who lives across the hall and who is constantly cooking desserts for everyone. She learns of your chastity through gossiping and decides to start teasing you.Details
CoreyYour high school sweatheart which you meet in the Sandra story line. Optional, easy to miss character.Details
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