Summary of Chapter Teagan K2: Updating Teagan about your day

This is the chapter where you update Teagan about how your day went.

Schedule for writing

Entire chapter: 2023-02 block 5


Number of steps: 11

Total words: 22571 words

Steps in this chapter

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Fantasies in this chapter

Either not flagged yet, or no specific fantasies

Characters in this chapter

TeaganGirl who lives across the hall and who is constantly cooking desserts for everyone. She learns of your chastity through gossiping and decides to start teasing you.Details
MelodyTeagan's roommate and best friend.Details
JeanneFriend of Teagan and Melody who is ultra-Catholic. From France (and our International Chastity Game)Details
PennyPenny is looking for a boyfriend, but what she likes the most, are games. Everything is a game to her, so when it comes to chastity, she will make a game out of it. Picking marbles out of a bag to get unlocked. Playing board games to win favors. Using dices to make decisions. If Penny is selected, a random number generator will be used to determine certain outcomes!Details
CindySex-loving girl who has sex with almost everything. Main girl for August 2020. One of the 5 girls that Brody proposes you meet. Will be available from the start. Please note that Cindy is a good friend of Mindy, despite having completely opposite personalities.Details
LeahRoommate to Gloria who respects the chastity fetish of her friend... while going out with Gabriella to her swingers club to look (and only look). Sees herself as a voyeur only.Details
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