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Women Studies Discussion (Elizabeth or Francesca)

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Nicolette Chapter #1 : Meeting Nicolette

Attend the dorm section meeting

Attend the dorm section meeting

You are in your room, setting up your stuff when Brody comes back into the room.

"Dude, aren't you attending the meeting?"

"Which meeting?"

"With our RA. Almost everyone forgot and she is pissed... Please come, I don't want to face her alone"

"Why not hide in our room? I mean, she is just going to read the rules, no?"

"Because she already saw me, and she knows me from last year. Just come, you don't have to say anything..."

You follow him to the lounge but remain in the corridor.

The lounge and the kitchen are basically open areas on either side of the corridor, where rooms should be. They are in effect larger than your rooms as in, taking a longer space along the corridor, but they can't be deeper, giving a small size living room with a TV, two sofas and a square table with four chairs: nothing fancy and certainly not big enough to allow all the residents of the section to be comfortable at once.

It's pretty much a small living room for the bloc.

Nicolette, a rather imposing female student is talking about the rules.

"I know some of your losers are over 21. And I know that in Campbell, older students can have alcohol. I also know that some RA tolerate booze. But I don't. If I see any bottles of alcohol you will get fined, am I clear? This also goes for drugs. It also means, if I catch you, that you will be on my weekly inspection list.

That means that once you are in my naughty list, I come by unannounced once per week and pretty much toss your room.

And yes, that is legal, and I am allowed to, provided I have a reason. Get caught with drugs or booze or damage any public property and you will be on my list. Make fun of my first or last name, and you will be on my list under, disrespected the RA.

So let's get it out there. My parents named me Nicolette. What will you do about it? I've heard every joke in high school and believe me, if you try, you will be on my naughty list. Now, for my last name. Baxter. I've also heard everything, so yeah, he was my grandfather. He is the asshole who donate the Baxter dorm. So you wonder why I am in the Faulkner building? Well, if so, shut the fuck up. It's my own decision, and I am not my fucking grandpa.

Now, I turn a blind eye to sex around here. If you guys want to have girls in your rooms or girls if you want to have guys, I don't care. And I don't want any snitches either. Sleep around, see if I care. The only thing is, it is in the rules that I cannot let someone of the opposite gender spend the night due to some archaic rules. But don't like snitches, so I don't bother if I don't catch you in the act.

In fact, don't bother coming to talk to me at all. I mean, there are forms, and I put them beside my door, with a box to put them in. I will take a look soon but please, don't come knocking down my door unless it's an actual emergency. Is that clear?"

The few people in the room nod in agreement.

"And remember one thing, I am your RA. Not my boyfriend. Don't leave him messages for me. Ever."

You take a look around, trying to see who her boyfriend is, but you can't really tell.

"The rest is in on the web. Rules about food for example. Just to warn you, we do not have anyone with a peanut allergy in this section, but we do have someone with a kiwifruit allergy, so please, don't bring them to the kitchen or the lounge.

Oh, that reminds me, anything you put in one of our fridges has to have your name and the date you put it in. Every week, we are allowed to throw anything from the previous week and anything not clearly labelled.

If your fridges are all full, you can throw away anything with a date from more than a week ago or without a date. You cannot use any fridge outside your section, but you are allowed a mini-fridge per room. That's one mini-fridge per room, not per roommate.

You need to clean up after yourself in the kitchen and please, start the dishwasher and empty it. It's not my job to do it for you. You can designate someone to do those basic tasks and if you do, I can give them a rebate on their housing. It's about $5 per month so don't hurry up to sign-up, it's like $15 per semester, a total joke. The college does vacuum the floor every week but there is a broom and a dustpan in the kitchen.

Oh, right, music. Ok, so you are allowed music and noise in your room from 9h00 AM until 10h00 PM. Please be considerate during the day, some of your neighbors might be studying, but if someone wakes me up because you are making too much noise, and I have to knock on your door to make you shut it down, it's not a fine you'll get. It's a written notice. On the second one, you are out of this section. Is that clear?"

Wait, so noise is worse than drugs?

"If you want to switch rooms with someone, I need the signature for all 4 people involved: the two who are swapping and their roommates. The stupid college doesn't allow any other change than a swap, but you can do multiple swaps. If you need help, for that, I will help you. I even help people from other buildings.

I am kind of the expert at the stupid college bureaucracy so don't worry about pissing me off, the one thing that I hate more than you guys bothering me, is sticking it up to the administration.

Do know that around exam weeks, you can't change room to prevent disruptions. That's mid-term exams and the finals.

Also note that you can't change room between the semesters so it's prior to the finals, or after the start of the winter semester.

Now, some of you might be thinking, what if I find someone from O'Brady or Langley to trade with? Well, you can't. These cost more and your housing credits are already spent. I know, even I can't do anything about it, but I can for next semester, if you find someone to trade.

And now, for the last point. Yes, my room is bigger. Deal with it. It's the only one in Faulkner that is different and it's why I am in it. It's also why I don't want to talk about it. Anyway, it's Room C4a1, so the floor above us. I am the RA for both sections of the 3rd and 4th floor of the C wing of Faulkner. There are two other RAs in our block, for first 2 floors and the top 2 floors. Don't bother them. Only I am in charge of you guys.

Any questions?"

No one had a question, so you returned with Brody to your room.

So, that was your RA!

You are intrigued by that comment on her room, but let it slide.

What is your choice?


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