Today is Friday

Political Science Lecture (Helga)English Literature (Annie)

Calculus (Cardio)
Laboratory 101 (Jessica)

Soccer (Amanda)
Biology Lecture
(Grabriella or Ella)

Trigonometry Remedials (Eric)
Women Studies Discussion (Elizabeth or Francesca)

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Elizabeth Chapter #1 : First class and Yana

First Women's studies class

This is your last class to discover, but it's a big one.

Women's studies discussion group. Why the hell did you pick this?

You know a little why. You needed to take this semester a social studies class. Why? So that you could maintain your weird curriculum halfway between writing and science.

In the follow semester, you will have a lot of science classes, but for this one, you needed two math classes and that laboratory class, as requirements for those other classes.

All of your future semesters would be filled, so you needed to take a sports class and your social studies class this semester to get them out of the way.

Sure, you have Political Science, but that's one of your core curriculum class, even if it's a general class: you need it for the law classes you will take in your junior year to effectively write patents.

Because that's the goal! To write patents professionally.

Now, everyone needs a social studies credit. Everyone. Often, they have one in mind and just pick when it's given and not in conflict with other classes to follow it.

Five intro social studies classes were offered, one of which was during your Laboratory 101 class which you can't take later, and the other during your Calculus class which you can't move.

That left you with three options: African American studies, Social class evolution and women's studies.

After reading the syllabus, you had discovered that African American studies is basically a critical rare theory class. You learn to view American History via the lens of racism. It could be interesting, but would it really help your life?

Social class evolution is basically an intro to Marxism. The professor is openly communist and the only reviews for the class are that it bashes on students who even hope to become entrepreneurs, which is your case.

Women's studies barely got mentions, but Elizabeth, the teacher, is a hardcore feminist who is trying to eliminate toxic masculinity.

Now, this seems like it wouldn't be your cup of tea, but, at the same time, wouldn't it filled by feminist girls who might make great keyholders and dominants?

You have a sort of desire for such girls, and since you need to get a social studies class, you might as well get the one potentially filled with potential play partners, right?

And so, here you are, walking nervously toward your Women's studies class.

Just before you is a pink haired girl you've been following pretty much since leaving your dorm, and just as she is about to get in the classroom she turns around and faces you.

"Hey, fucking pervert, stop stalking me or I'll fucking mace you", she says, rather angry

"This is my classroom too", you say

"Asshole, stop lying, this is a women's class"

"I know, Women's studies discussion group", you reply as girl with big glasses, mid-length light brown hair, and an orange sweatshirt over jeans shorts joins the conversation, holding a coffee.

"Oh no you are fucking not. Is this a joke?", she says.

The pink hair girl offers her hand to the newcomer. "Vanya"

"Yana. Wow, both of Russian ancestry?", replies the newcomer.

"Ukrainian actually. But not nationalist at all"

"Me neither. So, what do we do with this jerk?", says Yana

"Which jerk?", asks a third girl, which what looks like natural auburn hair, and a septum ring in her nose!

"This asshole", says Vanya

"Hey, I am not an asshole. I am a student, and this is one of my classes. It's not a Women's discussion group, it's a Women's studies discussion group", you reply

"I agree. Name's Debbie"

"I'm Yana, this is Vanya"

"And I am Allan", you say, offering you hand to Debbie.

"Nice to meet you Allan", says the third girl

"Whatever", says Vanya, who gets in the classroom. Your little group follows her.

The room is small, but the tables are disposed in a rough rectangle, with a section in the middle, and the chairs on the exterior.

Two girls are already in the room, sitting at opposite ends.

The one on the opposite end from the door is resting on her hands, almost half lying on the table, with a long dark purple pullover. She had hair with both blonde and light-brown hair strands, which is rather nice. She smiles when she sees your group get in and straightens herself.

The one near you has shoulder length blond hair that is rather wild, and is wearing medium glasses and a triangular top.

In summary, it's like a t-shirt, but with the shoulders and arms cut out.

"Oh hell no", she says, turning back. "That's what the commotion was about?", she says.

"Oh, hello Mandy. I didn't know you were in this class", says Vanya, who then sits next to her.

"I am not sure I'll fucking stay", she adds, looking at you.

"I know exactly how you feel"

"What's the problem exactly?", asks the long sleeved girl.

"The problem", says Yana. "Is that we will discuss how to take down the patriarchy with one of its members present"

"I thought this was women's studies? I might be in the wrong class", says the girl

"Oh, it is. Women's studies means fighting the oppression of men!", says Mandy, outraged.

"No, it doesn't", says a newcomer in a yellow sundress with very long brown hair and a dark complexion. Is she Indian? Half African American? You don't know, but she has a wide smile.

"And you are?", ask Yana

"Joy", she says, offering her hand to Yana.

"Vanya. This is Yana, Mandy and Debbie", she says, pointing to the girls.

"And I am Mia", says the long sleeve girl.

"I'm Allan. Nice to meet you Joy", you say, offering your hand.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine. All mine", she says, checking you out

A brunette with frizzled hair, and one, but only one fully tattooed arm gets in. "This is Women's studies?"

"It is", says Joy. "We were introducing ourselves"

"Oh, I'm Brooke, but I have a terrible memory of names. No need to repeat the introductions"

"We were just saying how a man doesn't belong in this class", says Vanya.

"Why not? I fuck guys. I would like them to know what it is like to be me.", Brooke says, as she takes a seat, with Debbie and Joy flanking her.

Yana sits next to the Teacher's desk, near Mia. You find an empty spot opposite the teacher's desk and as far away from the girls as you can.

A girl with a baseball cap rushes in silence. She has long dark hair and looks down on the floor.

She ends up sitting next to Joy.

"Joy", she says, offering her hand.

"Justice", she says, but then, opens a notebook and takes about a pencil.

That's when an older woman strolls in and goes to write with a chalk on the board.

Professor Elizabeth. Women's studies discussion group

She points to each person around the desks, counting with her lips.

"Well, looks like everyone's here. Shall we start?"

What is your choice?


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