Fully autonomous Spin off
No need to have played the first game to follow the story.
Both games will continue to exist in parallel, and will keep having new content.
No need to have played the first game to follow the story.
Both games will continue to exist in parallel, and will keep having new content.
To solve the exclusivity issue, all story lines will have different characters.
This will allow different origins: one will have cheated on his wife, another will be tricked into chastity, etc...
We even plan a story line with the female keyholder as the POV character!
Certain background characters will now be front and center, like Kim and Scott, both now in chastity
Kim will provide background as to what happened on campus, providing a link between game 1 and 2, and Scott being frustrated of their new enforced asexual life
While Allan wanted to be in chastity and most other Point of View characters find something positive in their chastity,
The male characters in this game will yearn for release and usually will be resentful for their situation.
Most of the characters will have a day job, will be married, and will have graduated from college.
The actual dates will be kept, allowing for synchronized crossovers!
Each character will have it's own date, so you can see where you are in each story.
In our international game, long term relationships were the focus,
while the college game was more about dating.
This will allow many interesting characters to return here, but sometimes redesigned or renamed!
Fewer couples will be explored, but over longer stories
Focus will be less on fantasies (the first game is there for that), and more on their long-term relationships
Kim chapter 1, a diary of her arrival on Campus in August 2021 is now live for free