Summary of Chapter Gabriella #1: Dating Gabriella

Allan meets Gabriella, gets close to her and begins dating her.

Schedule for writing

Entire chapter: 2021-03 block 1


Number of steps: 10

Total words: 13973 words

Steps in this chapter

1321Biology Lecture
8402How to meet Gabriella
8353Calling Gabriella at 18h05
8364Hidden for inner steps
8375Hidden for inner steps
83810Biology, second lecture
83911The fountain with Gabriella
84112Hidden for inner steps
84213Hidden for inner steps
84314Hidden for inner steps

Fantasies in this chapter

  • Female Led Relationships
  • Permanent Chastity
  • Sleeping on the floor, by the bed

Characters in this chapter

GabriellaA girl you meet in biology, and is into female-led relationships and swinging. Will be available by attending your Thursday Biology lecture.Details
LeahRoommate to Gloria who respects the chastity fetish of her friend... while going out with Gabriella to her swingers club to look (and only look). Sees herself as a voyeur only.Details
TeaganGirl who lives across the hall and who is constantly cooking desserts for everyone. She learns of your chastity through gossiping and decides to start teasing you.Details
Samantha RileyPsychology teacher. Mentor to Victoria and therapist to Annie. Also best friend of Andrei's wife.Details
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