Summary of Chapter Cardio #1: Meeting the crew

Allan meets the cardio crew and agrees to tutor them in Calculus in exchange for sex. Only, his chastity complicates things.

Schedule for writing

Entire chapter: 2020-12 block 3


Number of steps: 13

Total words: 10006 words

Steps in this chapter

6621How to meet the cardio crew
6122Hidden for the cardio crew
6133Hidden for the cardio crew
6154Hidden for the cardio crew
6165Hidden for the cardio crew
6176Hidden for the cardio crew
6187Hidden for the cardio crew
6209Hidden for the cardio crew
61910Hidden for the cardio crew
62111Hidden for the cardio crew
62212Hidden for the cardio crew
62613Hidden for the cardio crew
62314Hidden for the cardio crew

Fantasies in this chapter

  • Having a harem of girls to please
  • Losing your virginity

Characters in this chapter

BrittanyLeader of a group of girls from your Calculus class who need help and are willing to be useful in exchange... Will be available by attending your Calculus classDetails
MikiMember of a group of girls from your Calculus class who need help and are willing to be useful in exchange... Will be available by attending your Calculus classDetails
QwanishaMember of a group of girls from your Calculus class who need help and are willing to be useful in exchange... Will be available by attending your Calculus classDetails
RoseMember of a group of girls from your Calculus class who need help and are willing to be useful in exchange... Will be available by attending your Calculus classDetails
WilsonOne of Brittany's lovers who lives in your section.Details
HughWilson's quiet roommate who is in your Calculus class and whom Britanny has a crush on.Details
Kirsty DunnTeacher for your Calculus class. Technically not a teacher... more like a TA.Details
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