Summary of Chapter Lyra #1: Lyra challenges Brody

Lyra challenges Body to a debate, and thus, arrives in Allan's life.

Schedule for writing

Entire chapter: 2024-05 block 5


Number of steps: 9

Total words: 9348 words

Steps in this chapter

23901Lyra challenges Brody
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Fantasies in this chapter

Either not flagged yet, or no specific fantasies

Characters in this chapter

BrodyBrody is your bisexual roommate. You meet him in the prologue. He will eventually get his own chapters.Details
LyraLyra's mother is the newly elected senator for Wyoming. Quietly, over the last 2 and a half decades, the population of Wyoming has been changing as Gynarchists tired of the male violence in the 70s and 80s, picked the state with the lowest population to move into to form their utopia. Growing up in the movement. Lyra founds a Gynarchy movement on campus to get women on top, and keep men away from positions of power. Already, the movement, thanks to her mother, added state-enforced metal chastity for sex offenders and the success of the program is prompting more chastity enforced by the United States. Lyra, aims to force all male university students in chastity to prevent sexual abuse on campuses.Details
KatRight-hand woman to Lyra, Gynarchie supporter.Details
BlossomBlossom is a foreign student who fully believes in the Gynarchy, and follows Lyra blindly.Details
PaulaAs a chastity loving feminist, Paula was seduced by Lyra's messages and joined her movement, helping her with the chastity aspect of it.Details
JoshuaJoshua has a low sex drive, which turns off most women he dates. When he found Paula, it was love at first sight for him! Pleasing her is fine, being ignored by her is fine, being kept in chastity is even better.Details
JayJay feels like he is an alpha male, but women see him as a beta. When he realizes what Lyra is after, he proposes a deal. He will follow her rules, he will support her, on the condition that he would not be put in chastity. She agrees, and he becomes a sort of double agent, openly opposing her and fighting against her, but secretly trying to get the more attractive alpha males in chastity to get the upper hand.Details
JoeJoe was raised by his single mom after his father was sent to jail for attempted murder of Joe's mother, Joe's sister Freema, and himself, after her mother confronted him for sexual abuse of his daughter when Joe was a kid. Growing up hating men, he decided to be in chastity to be unable to hurt women. His sister became a gynarchy supporter and presented Joe to LyraDetails
FreemaSexually abused by her father, and later, almost killed by him, Freema grew up to be asexual, and decided to join Lyra Gynarchy and recruit her little brother to the cause.Details
DaisyHub character who can introduce you to the various girls who are living off campus, both students and non-students, including a few she is submissive to.Details
CindySex-loving girl who has sex with almost everything. Main girl for August 2020. One of the 5 girls that Brody proposes you meet. Will be available from the start. Please note that Cindy is a good friend of Mindy, despite having completely opposite personalities.Details
OliviaSex-loving roomate to Cindy. You meet her when you meet Cindy. Secondary girl for August 2020.Details
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