Summary of Chapter Candace #1: Candace meets Kenneth

Candace is now a successful entrepreneur and she feels like she's like to give back to society. To be the person that she needed when she was starting out. When she meets Kenneth at a party, she decides to let him crash on her couch, but it grows into something a little more.

Schedule for writing

Entire chapter: 2022-05 block 6


Number of steps: 8

Total words: 10678 words

Steps in this chapter

15311Hidden for inner steps
15322Hidden for inner steps
15333Hidden for inner steps
15344Hidden for inner steps
15355Hidden for inner steps
15366Hidden for inner steps
15377Hidden for inner steps
15388Hidden for inner steps

Fantasies in this chapter

  • Unlocked threesome with two girls

Characters in this chapter

ChloeLesbian friend of Daisy who lives with her fiancee Joyce near Daisy's house. Neither are in college, but they are willing to pay you to clean their house and do other chores for them.Details
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