Summary of Chapter Elizabeth #2: Finding Joy

Allan crosses path with Joy, while still having Yana around.

Schedule for writing

Entire chapter: 2021-09 block 3


Number of steps: 6

Total words: 7178 words

Steps in this chapter

11511Bumping into Joy
11522Hidden for inner steps
11533Hidden for inner steps
11544Hidden for inner steps
11555Hidden for inner steps
11566Hidden for inner steps

Fantasies in this chapter

Either not flagged yet, or no specific fantasies

Characters in this chapter

JoyGirl who is always in a good mood and laughing in your women's studies group.Details
BrodyBrody is your bisexual roommate. You meet him in the prologue. He will eventually get his own chapters.Details
YanaHardcore, ball-breaking, man-hating feminist from your Woman Studies class. Co-main character with ElizabethDetails
TeaganGirl who lives across the hall and who is constantly cooking desserts for everyone. She learns of your chastity through gossiping and decides to start teasing you.Details
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