Summary of Chapter Li Hua #1: Seeing Li Hua with Lucy

Now that Allan is dating Lucy, he starts knowing Li Hua, Tori's roommate and Lucy's nude model more closely. He notably discovers that Li Hua has her own little block of buildings on Lucy's map for Allan.

Schedule for writing

Entire chapter: 2021-07 block 1


Number of steps: 9

Total words: 13323 words

Steps in this chapter

10531Try to meet Li Hua with Lucy
10542Hidden for inner steps
10553Hidden for inner steps
10564Hidden for inner steps
10576Hidden for inner steps
10587Hidden for inner steps
10598Hidden for inner steps
10609Hidden for inner steps
106110Hidden for inner steps

Fantasies in this chapter

  • Free use
  • Naturism

Characters in this chapter

LucyLucy wants a steady boyfriend, but unlike Amanda, who falls in love easily, she is hard to get onboard. Rather selfish sexually. One of the 5 girls that Brody proposes you meet. Will be available from the start Details
Li HuaLi Hua is a refugee from a minor sect in China. She is a sort of religious icon who needs to be venerated and loved. She is always nude on campus, and wants men to worship her. Even if she likes that the campus is clothing optional, she hates the naturists for rejecting sexuality. So, she wants sexual attention, but hates the Free Use girls who do not focus on their pleasure, but rather on the men's.Details
ToriLucy's best friend. She is a rather important secondary characterDetails
YanaHardcore, ball-breaking, man-hating feminist from your Woman Studies class. Co-main character with ElizabethDetails
VanyaUltra-feminist lesbian from your women's studies group who really likes to debate you and Debbie.Details
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