Don't cheat.. don't go back. This is your life now. Permanent chastity. How will she handle you?
When you met her initially, she made you drive to her old plantation home in rural southern Virginia. She was instantly flirty with you.
When you go inside her beautifully maintained home, she wondered if you would be willing, depiste not being married yet, to strip naked right away, so she can get "a good view"
Excited, you nervously remove you clothes and she smiles, happy that you do indeed have a metal device secured with a piercing.
"This is serious quality. Surgical steel?"
"Yes, custom made it myself. I work in a prostethics factory"
"You are a manual worker?", she inquires, with her hopes raised
"Oh, no, no... a 3d modeler. The factory is almost fully automated"
"I see. But you would agree to move here with me if we got married?"
"I can do my job remotely, as long as I have my computer."
"That's cool. Remote work, I like it.", she said, pleasently."
"I did read you expected total submission, full-time nudity. I mean, you seemed rather intense, but in our chat and phone calls you were really nice"
"Thank you", she said, blushing. "To be honest, I do, but I kind of crushed on you and didn't want to ruin things"
"So would you be ok with me keeping you as a full-time slave?", she asked
"Well, I am here, and I did build an unexcapable chastity device, didn't I?"
"Would you like to see my dungeon right away?", she says, blushing
She leads you downstairs, in the wine cellar. It's a mostly empty.
"I am not really a wine lover. These bottles were gifts from guests and I just put them here."
"Where else would you put them?", you ask, unsure what else to say.
Near the side, she unlatches a hook hidden in one of the shelves, and pulls the whole shelf forward. It pivots to the left and reveals behind it a steel door.
Unlike the cellar, this one seems new. She pulls out 2 keys and place them in the keyholes to unlock it.
A secret undergound dungeon! How fitting, you thought!
She leads you into an antichamber with a more elaborate steel door at the end of it and a wooden bench on the side. She closes the door behind you, leaving you in pitch darkness. She opens the light on her cellphone
"Sorry, the light switch in inside the main chamber and the inner door cannot opened if the outer one is.", she simply says, apologizing
She places the keys in the keylocks, but puts the phone in her pocket before turning them. You are now in pitch darkness.
"They need a special timing and I need my two hands."
"I could hold your phone", you replied, as you hear the click of the locks
"Oh right, stupid me! I am used to doing this alone. Honestly, I'll have to install a lamp or something. Careful, I am opening the door"
You will pack and can hear the door creaking, but sill can't see anything.
"Can you go in and feel for the switch? It's on the wall on the right inside the room?"
You feel your way forward. Quickly find the opened door, follow it with your hand until you are inside the room. You go to the right start feeling it for the switch, but can't find it.
"I can't find it"
"It's not on the same wall as the door. It's on the wall on the right. Tell me when you reach the wall"
You hit something on the wall, a bookcase it seems, but go around it and reach the end wall.
"I am at the wall. I will search for it."
You hear a little creaking and a loud thud. The light goes on.
You are not in a dungeon. You are in a cell. There is a normal large mattress directly on the floor. There is a closed wooden box by it. There is a modern toilet, a small mini-fridge, a microwave, a sink and even a shower.
"Funny thing. Did you know that one of your direct ancestors built this manor?"
She opens a slot in the door, so you can see eye to eye.
"What? What's happening?"
"Another funny thing, did you know that he is also my direct ancestor? You are from a line via his wonderful wife, while I come from one of his young 15 year old slaves he raped and later killed before she even was 18"
"I don't understand"
"Oh, you will. Soon enough. I stalked you. I found your little chastity fetish. It was... unexpected. I encouraged you to get a stronger cage because, might as well use it against you. I lured you. I had like, 20 profiles all trying to get close to you. Funny that it's this one that reached you"
"What? Let me out"
"Oh, no, you are never getting out. I will not let you leave this room, ever again. I will bring you food thru a slot in this door. Sometimes whole meals, sometimes some supplies so I don't have to constantly come to you.
"There is a remote controlled pair of handcuffs and a metal ring next to the toilet. When I need to unlock this door, you will put the handcuffs thru the ring, and from the little camera on the wall, see if you did right. But don't expect me to come often. I'll replace your microwave, perhaps get you a new fridge or a new mattress
"Why are you doing this?"
"Why did your ancestor rape and kill my ancestor? Because he could."
You tried to plead, to invoke that you will be missed or searched for but she brushes it off. Nothing will be traced back to her, and if ever is, someone will drive his car away and burn the car with another victim inside with your clothes.
You are, in effect, trapped.
"In the book shelf, there are history books about blacks around the world. Read them, and fast. If you no longer want to be alone in a basement, you will have to give me a lecture on what you learned from your books, once subject per week. I have a long checklist. Once you will have properly completed all of the subjects to my satifacton, your isolation will end, however long that is."
"I can't change your mind?"
"Yes you can, I just told you how"
You are utternly alone. You prepare yourself most of your food, but about once per day she brings without talking to you new food and home cooked meal.
Every week, you think Sunday but you have no clocks or time references, she opens the slit to ask you what you learned.
Sometimes, she announces she put a checkmark, but never tells you how many are left. Usually, she tells you it's not enough in depth.
About once per month, you get new supplies. New toilet paper, soap, paper tissue, and more books.
"Don't worry. It's not a moving target: it's just more material to help you reach that target"
You learn about the congo, about the slave trade. You learn the name of every slave ship known, every plantation owner. Every sale of black people. It's all that keeps you from insanity
When you were up to about 100 checks or 3 years, her deamenor began to change and she became more positive to you. She even began coming to listen to you more often.
In all of that time, she came only twice in the room, each time with you locked. She did bring you weights to lift and stay in shape.
One day, after 6 more years and 326 checkmarks (you got better at earning them), she announced that you were done. To wait about a week.
And do you did! And a few days later, she asked you to lock your handcuffs and keep quiet.
She then closed the light out. "Stay quiet"
About an hour later, the door opened and you could hear Savanah doing the light switch trick to a girl this time.
You heard the door close, and a few seconds later, a young nude but for a chastity belt and a locked chastity bra was in the corner of your room.
"Who are you? What is this place? What's happening?"
As it turns out, she is a kinky 18 years old lesbian descendant to your ancestor, and she was just convinced to "try" the chastity by her new lover.
She began crying and hitting the wall with her fists
"Does she need to lecture you too?", you ask.
"No, I don't care anymore", Savanah replied. "I am done with you two. She is your gift. Have fun with each other!"
You are miserable. Even if you were into permanent chastity, you will never have human contact again (unless you get paired with a lesbian slave in permanent chastity, and even then... ). You are trapped in a basement and will die in that basement.
This is, according to us, the worst ending of the site.
If this is really your favorite ending, perhaps you should seek therapy.