Don't cheat.. don't go back. This is your life now. Permanent chastity. How will she handle you?
"And so, here we are...", the sexy tall Savanah tells you.
"And so, indeed."
"Aren't you nervous?", she asks you
"Fuck yeah, who wouldn't be?"
"And you still want to grow thru with this? I mean, other guys come in for a week, a month. Not for life!"
"Well, like you reminded me, I don't know if it's for life, but right now, it's what I want. What I deserved", you add, ashamed
"Please, don't use that on me. My ancestors didn't deserve this, and you certainly don't", she quipped back at you.
"Sorry, but you know why I had too".
"I know why you think you have to. Your direct line ancesotr built this plantation, where he enslaved my ancestor. But you are not responsible for his actions, despite all of the texts on our website"
"Oh, I know that. But at the same time, he and his descendants lived on the money your ancestors made for him via their suffering. I had a huge inheritance from that money"
"And believe me, we didn't spend it yet. We've put it in a trust fund for you and will only deduct what you cost us"
You turn angry. "But it's your money! Your ancestor's wages!"
She, in turn raises her tone. "Now, listen to me. This is a business. We exploit the white guilt of guys and girls like you, to make them pay for a week or two of living like chattel slaves. We are not really black supremacists. We are just trying to make a living"
"Hell, I know what! But had my ancestors agreed to pay yours..."
"Hey now, we've been freed by Lincoln. The civil rights helped us. We are still underprivileged but we want to build our future, not steal it from white boys like you with a saviour fetish"
You fell silent, locking at your crotch
"oh shit...", she adds. "I forgot about your chastity fetish. What is that about anyway? Still white guilt?
"Want me to honest?"
"hell yeah..."
"This isn't about white guilt. It's about a permanent chastity and slavery fetish. I hope you don't kick me out". You lower your eyes to the ground
She looks are you, dumbfounded.
"It's what? Wait. Everything is about your fetish? You get off on giving us your money, doing hard labor and being lectures about black history?"
"Well, I don't get off, that's the whole point of chastity."
"I mean emotionally, dumbass"
You shiver at her tone.
"Oh shit, it's fucking true! That's fucked up. Let me grab Clancy. Don't move"
She leaves for a few minutes and comes back with a tall big black guy and they are both laughing.
"him?", he says.
She nods.
"Ok, so dude", he says, "she told me everything. We'll take you. We'll deduct a thousand per month from the money you gave us, that's a lot less than the guilty tourist pay us, but hey, just kicking you around should be fun. If you ever wanna leave, just tell any of us "Abraham Lincoln needs me". We'll remind you of it a few times. Let's discuss rules...
"What are your rules?"
"What, hell no. Now our rules, yours! What do you not want us to do to you..."
"I want the same rights as your ancestors, but in chastity."
"Wait, so you would be okay with us beating you and whipping you every day, making you eat shit and making you sleep in the mud?"
You redden in shame. "Yeah"
"But what do you expect, like, sexualy..."
"Nothing. This has nothing to do with sexuality"
"Dude, I disagree. Seeing you blush shows me that all of this is sexual to you. But what you mean is that what we non-freaks consider sex, you don't expect any of that?"
Your throat thightens. Your mouth is dry. You nod.
Savanah takes the lead. "We don't have anyone this week. Wanna strip him off and send him work in the hard sun on the plantation? I bet that in 2 days, he begs us to let him leave"
"I don't think he'll last a day, but you heard the lady. We'll show you how to work the plantation"
It was hard work, but the day eventually ended. They did make you sleep in the mud. The next day, you began at sunrise and ended at sundown, but only an oatmeal bowl for breakfast, an apple at noon and two slices of ham for supper. You did get plenty of water.
That night, Savanah sensually applied aloe vera gel on your skin, but Clancy eat your ass for 20 minutes with a wood plank.
They did get excited and have sex in front of us, but later apologized.
The first tourists arrive 6 days later. Most of them were asked to work in the nude but some were still modest and kept underwear. None of them were there for fetish reasons: they were only there for white guilt.
It's been 4 years. You are happy...
You are happy you are utterly miserable. This is the most masochistic ending of the site. You get zero sexuality and work hard under the sun. Eventually, you will die of exhaustion or skin cancer. Even white guilt tourists who come to be hurt so that they can relieve their guilt feel pity for you. Savanah and Clancy constantely try to threat you better, but you refuse. They try to get you to accept that you paid your debt, but you refuse.
What you needed and visibly didn't get, is mental health. Don't hurt yourself please. Play safe. Don't put yourself in danger for a fetish.