So Rita is our Female-Led-Relationship girl. She thinks that a couple should be led by the wife. You aren't her necessarily her slave, this isn't necessarily BDSM. She just thinks that women should lead the household.
You do all of the chores, she manages the finances (you don't get to have a bank account, sorry) and makes all of the big decisions
She makes your lifestyle (including chastity) common knowledge, and often wear keyholding t-shirts. Even your familly and colleagues know, often in details how she treats you.
If any one asks to see, she will make you strip down to show your cage, and isn't above keeping you nude when you get friends over.
If she isn't monogamous, she will even tell everyone of her exploits and share videos and pictures of her encouters around.
You have reached the end of the choices.
Yes, that's it! Why? Because Save in Bed Rita only belives in 4 rules:
To her, the rest is details
In a word? Good. You are happy, almost every day of your life with Rita. She makes sure of it by using empathy and directed domination to ensure that you both have a well fulfilled lives. Your day to day wife is definitely into Female-Led Relationships and she handles finances while you do the chores like cleaning and housekeeping.
She is publicly out about your chastity and that you live in a female-led relationship and doesn't care about your own reservatons about that.
Despite causing awkwardness at work, she really helps you suceeed in your career and doesn't hesite to promise your boss you will be more productive or not get released...
She makes sure you have hobbies and even partakes in a few of them. You see your friends often and she encourages you to stay closed to them. It's mostly in a vanilly setting (but from time to time, she'll add some wackniess like being naked for supper, or getting you naked, just to keep things wild). She'll actually only sleep with them if you ask her too (more on that later), because your friends are part of your happiness.
So everything she does however, is for both of your happiness. If you hate something she does, she'll stop and respect you. She will respect most of your wishes and adapt her leadership so you are well.
Don't be mistaken however: she is still in charge and for a few things, she will impose her will such as you working out and losing weight. You also don't have a word to say about what she says to whoever, even your kids when they will be old enough to know. She doesn't do it to humiliate you: she is just very honest and transparent
But here is the twist...
Sexually, she is absolutely submissive to you. She is in effect your sex slave. In bed, she expects you to mistreat her, to abuse her, to degrade her. She even loves it when you hurt her physically or emotionally. You can punish her for how she bosses you around during the day and she'll come even harder!
You can tie her up, make her do role play, pet play. You can cause her immense pain via spanking, candle wax, canes or other instruments of torture. She'll even let you film or photograph it all.
You can do what you want sexually her to: send her to other men, to women, your friends, her friends, people she doesn't know. Make her do gang bangs. You can ask her to have sex with pretty much anyone you want to and she will never hold it against you out of bed, when she is back in charge.
In fact, you've noticed that the harsher your grip on her is, the more she adapt her female leadership to your tastes: when you want her to boss you, she becomes more bossy and when you want more freedom, she lets you have it.
Her body is also yours. She will let you ask her to shave anything (but outside of sex, might ask you to do it), have the haircut you choose (even a bald head), she will let you put piercings anywhere on her and even possibly tattoos.
She will follow you anywhere to have sex. To a swinger's club, to a BDSM dungeonm to a hangar full of disgusting hobos. She will let you spend a week-end with a stranger of your choice and if you manage at home to keep her secually excited for a whole day, she will submit to you the whole time!
Your control over her is absolute when she is a submissve, but completely fades away when she regains her leadership (apart from body changes since those are more lasting).
In fact, when she tells of any sex you make her do, she will talk about it as if she was cuckolding you as a normal chastity wife, even to those who saw her submit to you. If confronted, she'll either say "it's complicated" or something about "topping from below", implying that she is making you ask her to cuckold you.
To her, it's simple: "she leads the relationship, you lead the sex. Seperation of power and all of that crap"
As a slave, she will obey any requests to unlock you but her submissive half doesn't know where her dominant half keeps the key... on purpose. Even you know where the key is, bringing it to her breaks the mood and turns her back to a dominant.
So the way to win and orgasm is simple. If you send her in subspace, a state of mindlessness caused by her subsmission, you earn an unlock to be used a few days later (or saved and accumulated over time.
You can spend an unlock when she is submissive (and near the key) to have her unlock you and she will remain submissive until your next ejaculation. If you want, you can masturbate alone right after the unlock (she will swallow if asked) and it doesn't count. It's just to help you relieve the pressure.
Right after the first orgasm that counts, you will then have 3 choices:
You can gain a point even if you are unlocked as long as you send her in subspace.
And that's pretty much it! You alternate power between the two of you. Dominant Rita can order sex to begin, thus giving you power over her. You can at anytime order the sex to stop, in which case she regains power. She can also, as a submissive, switch back to a non-sexual situation by using her safeword. You, on the other hand, do not have one...
When you send her in subspace, a state of mindlessness caused by her subsmission, you earn an unlock to be used a few days later (or saved and accumulated over time.
You can spend an unlock when she is submissive (and near the key) to have her unlock you and she will remain submissive until your next ejaculation. If you want, you can masturbate alone right after the unlock (she will swallow if asked) and it doesn't count. It's just to help you relieve the pressure.
You can gain a point even if you are unlocked as long as you send her in subspace.
You come home from work, about 30 minutes before Rita. In a hurry, you put a roast in the instant pot: beef stew cube, carrots, potatoes, celery, soup, worcestire sauce and a few other bits and ends that you feel will make this roast delicious.
In a hurry, you cleanup the house: you wouldn't want Rita to be angry for the state of the apartment. You also take care of the mail like she showed you: discarding junk, and marking what you felt was important.
You spray room refresher deodorant and make sure the sheets on the bed are perfectly placed. That's when you hear her come in.
"Chasty, where are you?", she asks teasingly.
"I am here mistress", you reply. Going out of the bedroom. You come close to her and she grabs you by the throat to kiss you, passionately.
"What are you cooking for us?"
"Beef stew. Ready in 21 minutes."
"Is the keep hot function active?"
"Always", you reply.
"Ok, stay here. Set the table. I will change into something less formal"
"Sure Mistress"
It takes you about 2 minutes to properly set the plates, silverware, wine glasses, but you can hear her behing you waiting for you to finish.
When you turn around, you see that she is kneeling nude on the floor, with her leather collar on, and her paddle lifted in her arms, as if presenting it to you. You are surprised, it's not usually that early that Slave Rita comes out!
"My lord. I've been a very bad girl today. I will let you decide of my punishment and will humbly take it"
You immediately change demeanor. "What did you do, dirty cunt?", one of her favorite insults...
She begins crying. You not it's not the insult. Something happened.
"I yelled at Sandra for something that in the end, was my fault. I apologized but she sent me dirty looks the rest of the day."
Oh shit, you thought. She takes her job very seriously. If Sandra complains at HR, she might be in trouble and need a way to unwind. You stay solemn
"Would 10 powerful hits from the paddle be enough to punish you, slut?"
She cries, this time in anticipation of the pain. She probably expected 5. She really hates the paddle.
"Yes my Lord. 10 per infraction would be appropriate. I accept my punishment."
"Per infraction?", you are seriously surprised. That's not a sitting right for a few days level of punishment for her. She is seriously afraid.
"Are you sure it's a punishment you need?"
"Yes my lord. Beat the sin out of me."
You grab the paddle, with one hand, and her hand with the other. You drag her to the kicthen table, and place her stomach on the seat of the chair.
"Thank you my lord
You take a large swing of the paddle and it emits a loud whack, followed by a yell by Rita. You were about to ask her if she was alright, but she instead whispered and hesitant "One"
You hit her again. The whack is just as loud, but the yell is more measured. She is quicker to count "two".
By the the time you reach 6, she stopped yelling in pain. At 11, you had to count in her place. After twenty, she collapse foward, her head almost touching the floor
You pick her up. She doesn't resist. She had you weightlift a lot and with her small frame, it's easy for you to deposit her on the sofa. She is stunned.
"Two", she murmers. You tell her, "no, that was twenty".
"No, two unlocks in the bank". You had one from last Sunday and didn't use it yet. Except... she didn't really enter subspace, she is just stunned.
"Are you sure? You don't look like..."
"Close enough. But not today, please. I just want a bath, and supper. Oh supper in the bathtub"
The instant pot beeps. The roast is ready