So Rita is our Female-Led-Relationship girl. She thinks that a couple should be led by the wife. You aren't her necessarily her slave, this isn't necessarily BDSM. She just thinks that women should lead the household.
You do all the chores, she manages the finances (you don't get to have a bank account, sorry) and makes all the big decisions
She makes your lifestyle (including chastity) common knowledge, and often wear keyholding t-shirts. Even your family and colleagues know, often in details how she treats you.
If anyone asks to see, she will make you strip down to show your cage, and isn't above keeping you nude when you get friends over.
If she isn't monogamous, she will even tell every one of her exploits and share videos and pictures of her encounters around.
You have reached the end of the choices.
Read to see how you have done!You spend a lot of time at the gym! You gain a lost of muscle mass which gives you major self-esteem boosts. Rita respects you most of the time and treats you well even if she is out as a chastity wife.
Despite causing awkwardness at work, she really helps you suceed in your career and doesn't hesitate to promise your boss you will be more productive or not get released... She doesn't hesitate to use her sexuality to move your (or her) career but still makes sure you are well treated by your colleagues: only her can laugh at you.
She makes sure you have hobbies and even partakes in a few of them. You see your friends often, and she encourages you to stay closed to them. It's mostly in a vanilla setting (but from time to time, she'll add some wackiness like being naked for supper, or getting you naked, just to keep things wild). She'll actually only sleep with them if they are more muscular than you are.
But apart from cuckolding you and making you work on you, everything she does however, is for both of your happiness.
Don't be mistaken however: she is in charge, and she will impose her will. You also don't have a word to say about what she says to whoever, even your kids when they will be old enough to know. She doesn't do it to humiliate you: she is just very honest and transparent
She is bisexual, but into sexy girls! Rita will also have sex with women and threesomes with couples (if the guy is well-built).
You get a release from chastity every time you break a record. Early in your marriage, it will be very often but as times go by, it will be harder and harder so pace yourself with the records...
Here are some examples:
But if you do well at the gym and don't break a record, she will tease you playfully, let you have oral sex with her and touch her and just be in a good mood. If not, you might be ignored or physically punished.
You are at the gym and are trying again to lift in a snatch the 90 pounds weight. Your last record was 88 lbs and Rita said that you could have a threesome with Stacy if you managed to raise your record to 90 pounds.
You like Stacy: she teased you a few times and you got to see Rita and her have sex quite a few times. You even bathed her, washing her whole body with a washcloth. This was all a plan by Rita to motivate you... You have nothing to lose, since if you fail, you'll still have a threesome with them, but the cage stays on. You can remember tasting Stacy's pussy on Rita's lips on previous nights and can't wait to do more.
You put your hands on the handle. Stacy licks her lips, and wraps her arm around Rita's ass. Rita is wearing her "A happy wife has her husband in a chastity cage" with the drawing of a plastic cage on it. It does turn heads, but most people don't ask questions. Stacy did and that's why we are here... Or was it her hotwife/cuckold t-shirt then? You don't remember. At the gym, all of Rita's t-shirts are designed to out you.
Great, Bob comes by to take a look. Bob had sex four... No, five times with Rita, and he knows the deal. You think that he wants to have Rita if you fail. He murmurs something to Rita's ear. She laughs.
"Sorry Bob. You know I love you wrecking me, but tonight is Stacy's night. Perhaps tomorrow?"
You check your hands for sweat.
Bob says something else to Rita, which you fail to hear.
Stacy replies`"Maybe, I'll see if I am available tomorrow, but I want to be able to walk after you are done with me, mister..."
You take a deep breath and pull with all of your strength on the bar, making sure to lift it in one single motion.
Both Stacy and Rita gasp as you raise the bar over your head.
You keep the bar raised a few seconds in triumph and drop the weights to the floor.
Bob claps with his hands and approaches to give you a high five and leaves to do his set.
Both girls hug you and kiss you. Rita puts something in you hand: it's the key to you device.
Go take a shower with Stacy. Remove the device, she'll give you a blow job to empty your blue balls. "Don't put it back... tonight, you'll conquer us many times!", she says.
You are quite happy!. She gets you to become strong and gain a lot of muscle and uses chastity to motivate you. You can sometimes have sex with her and threesomes are on the menu but most of the time, you remain locked longer than you dreamed possible. She pushes all of your buttons because she prefers a happy husband to a miserable one and in her mind, all the sex she has with well-built guys is just to help motivate you more!