You have reached the end of the choices.
Read to see how you have done!When you arrived at her manor, you were asked to sign a pledge of loyalty to Lady Emily prior to meeting her. You thought this was the prelude to a marriage but in reality, you had just signed away your freedom.
Slavery was abolished in Great Britain a long time ago but there was never abolished treaty between Lady Emily's ancestors and the crown which gave them the right to keep slaves who voluntarily pledged loyalty to their family, which is exactly what you just did.
Lady Emily's family now legally own you and can dispose of you as they see fit as if you were one of their horses. Which is kind of funny, because that's exactly what you are to Lady Emily: one of her horses.
A few minutes after they explained to you the predicament you were now in, you were stripped naked, fitted with hooved over your hands and special hooved boots. These are never removed except for occasional cleaning and nail clipping: you can never have the use of your fingers again. A metal collar was permanently placed around your neck.
A bar gag was also promptly installed and is only removed when you are locked in your stall.
There are 2 stables: one for work ponies and one for show ponies. You are staying in the smaller one reserved for work ponies. It has better facilities including massage therapists and better food to eat in a bowl placed on the wall of your stall.
You are part of a work crew of 6 pony boys led by Julie, a nice 22 year old slave who is kept naked at all times (except for solid gold collar) and who is your handler/coachman: she is the one who drives any carriages or coaches that you pull as a team.
Julie sleeps on a bed (unlike you straw cot) in the middle of the 6 stalls for your team so she is available pretty much 24/7 for your individual needs.
She is the only person you can actually talk to: she puts your gag in when you leave your stall, and removes it when you enter. Any pleading for a better condition will be ignored: she is allowed more freedom then the pony girls because she is strict with your team.
Any slip up will have her demoted back to pony girl status which she did for a year prior to being allowed to retire as a handler.
During the day, you are either training with Julie in a training cart making you six carry her around the estate or you are actually working: carrying Emily in a small carriage to let her inspect her property.
There are 3 other teams of 6 pony boys and sometimes, all of the teams are attached to a bigger carriage which can carry multiple passengers.
Once per week, you are sent to Emily's quarry to pull carts use to carry stone between the quarry and her depot. You then work in three teams of two.
Every week-end, on Sunday, Julie picks one member of your team she feels worked the hardest for that week. The winner gets his chastity device unlocked and Julie gives an orgasm to the winner.
Typically, she performs a blow job but ocasionally, she is horny and instead of masturbating she decides to have sex with the winner.
Several times per year, Emilie has special events where either teams or indivual work ponies can compete for prizes which are all sexual in nature.
When you win, you get to have sex with one of the guests but often is also involves some BDSM activity such as a spanking, some bondage or other things that excites them. Your gag prevents you from talking to them.
As long as Julie follows the rule, she will remain close to the 6 of you. You can sometimes, talk to your neighbors but only if Julie is occupied: she is not supposed to let you fratenize but you do enough to build a hopeless friendship with guys just a stuck as you are.
Every year, the police comes and makes sure you did sign the pledge of loyalty. Even if you argue you didn't know what you were signing, they are deaf ears. They do not care if you were mistreated or if you are well-fed (which you are). All they want to know is if you are in the register, and you are.
On average, every 6 weeks you get an unlock for a blow job from Julie. It dependa on your performances but most of the guys in your team are not selfish and will try to convince Julie to go round-robin. She doesn't care who she does: she just has to in order to motivate your guys, because if you are not motived, she might return to be a pony girl.
About once per month, she is rather horny and will have sex with the lucky guy. She doesn't go round-robin so she might do one guy 4 times in a year and another zero. She might do it two weeks in a row and then, not for two months.
But the hope keeps all of your alive!
You awaken in your stall. You gently scratch your butt with the hooved mittens. You listen and can hear Julie whispering your next door neighbor but he isn't talking: he might alread have his gag on.
You hear her move and she looks at the bars of your stall.
"Oh good, you are awake!", she whispers to you.
"I am."
She opens the door to your stall. She is so increbly beautiful. Very long brown hair (women are not allowed a hair cut on the property), completly shaved tiny body, she was one of the sexiest show ponies and won enough prizes to become a handler.
"I didn't wake you up, I hope?"
You check her small perky breasts that just hang in there. If only you could touch them... with your hands in those horrible mittens, you haen't touched anything since you arrived.
"No, not at all."
To you, she is the sexiest of the 4 handlers but you might be biased: she is the one who takes care of you.
"There is a morning training light exerice regime but you will all get to eat breakfast at the quarry. I know, the stupid quarry. You all hate it, but remember, it's one of our primary exports. It's how she can afford to keep us."
"I wouldn't mind she can't keep us..."
She hits you on the ass.
"How can you say that! She could sell all of us to a middle-eastern coutry where we could be beaten, abused or killed. Heck, did you know she can legally kill any of us without repercusion?"
"You are kidding?", you tell her.
"I am not! Did you think I chose to have this tattoo?"
She shows her left buttcheek. You've see it hundreds of time before. It features a naked pony girl in full get-up with the words underneath: "Best of show 2019".
"It's still better than that other handler"
She shudders. On her left breast, she has the word "Ginger Snap", her former name as a pony.
"That must have hurt!", she says
"I am glad work ponies don't get tattoos"
"Maybe, but you can't get a promotion. You are stuck as work pony until you are useless and are sent to the quarry"
"Wait, the old guys at the quarry are retired work ponies? But Emily isn't that old?"
"Oh, no, she's not. They retired under her mother and some of them under her grandmother"
"Shit. That long?"
She pulls the gag from it's hook. "Sorry, let's talk more tonight, we are on a schedule"
You open your mouth and she puts the gag in it. You realize that instead of drinking, you spoke. You can drink with the gag, but it's very messy.
You are led outside where George salutes you with is head. Your hands are tied behind your back and you are left there as Julie goes to wake up Peter in the next stall.
You exchange glances and gestures with George. Communication is hard, but you think he is asking you to be his partner at the quarry. Technically, you don't get to choose but if you stand by other when paiing, it increases your chances of choosing your partner.
You agree: he is a hard worker and doesn't complain.
Your happiness depends entirely on your fetishes.!. Lady Emily pays almost no attention to you as you are just a personel slave to her. Your handler, Julie, is as much of a slave but she treats you well.
However, you never have your hands free and only get very rare releases and even rarer sex.