Amina comes from a rich family in Saudi Arabia who wanted her to move to the United States because they fear for her financial future if the regime turns on the family: they want one of their kids out of the hands of the royal family to safeguard their fortune.
As a result, she came to the USA with millions of dollars. Wait, that's not quite right. She came tot he USA with hundreds of millions of dollars and an instruction to just, well, wait for further instructions.
She was told not to have kids, but to take a husband since well, in Saudi Arabia, women need a guardian. This is where you come in.
Amina kinds of love you. She sees you are being her lawful husband and sees that her role is to serve you as head of the household.
Despite having more than enough money to pay for help, she does all of the cleaning, cooking and washing around the house while reciting prayers in Arabic.
She religiously says her five daily prayers while facing toward Mecca, she already did her pilgramage (she is from Saudi Arabia after all), and she fully devotes herself to Islam.
From an ultra religious family, she decided to only remove her veil when getting intimate with a man, and thus, will not undress unless she unlocks you, and well, she won't.
To her, sexuality is only for procreation and as such, since she was banned from having kids for now (and forever), she will never unlock you and never let you see anything other than her hands and her eyes.
You have no idea what her hair looks like, the size and shape of her breasts or even of her mouth: she only eats or drink in private, away from you
Everything you get is ordered and as such, neither of you are usually allowed to leave the huge penthose condo. Make hairdressers and doctors just come to visit you and you are never to leave for any reason.
There are strong filters on the house only computer and she banned televisions to keep the house pure. No pornography or nudity of any kind is allowed.
You mind will struggle to remember what a nude woman look likes and even how women are shaped!
You will sleep in different beds every night and nothing sexual or even mentions of sexuality will ever occur.
She will even admit sleeping with her veil as she is only comfortable with it!
You will never be allowed to touch her, and she will never touch you, in any way.
Sexuality doesn't exist and she will insist that you are always wearing clothes.
The only subjects she will talk about is handling the house, her family and religion: she only reads the Quran, the Torah and a book written by one of her uncles describing their family traditions.
She will listen to stories of your family or of your past but with a slight disinterest: that's behind you, but will talk about her family who is funding your life with reverence and at length.
You are in permanent chastity
Coming soon
You are miserable!. Amina might as well be a roommate! A roomate that brings millions you can't spend, and who cooks and clean for you. But she doesn't understand what sexuality it, she is against all pornography and nudity, and there is almost nothing to do all day!