You have reached the end of the choices.
Read to see how you have done!Francine is a pro-bisexualiy activist. She organized pro-bisexuality events such as protests against biophobia, marchs for bisexuality and seminars to educate people.
In the bedrooms, she will have sex with almost anyone who is bisexual but only them... therefore, if you want to have sex, you better be bi.
Now, there is the thing: Francine only wants to have biexual sex and as such, for her to have sex, she needs at least 2 members of each sex in bed so that everyone can have sex with both genders...
She typically finds couples and will have everyone have sex with everyone else. It might start with her and the other wife while you and the other husband have sex, and then, finish with heterosexual sex.
Expect to get sodomized, to swallow a lot of sperm from her male sexual partners (and her to bitch about you if you refer to them as her sexual partner: she trully wants you to see them as you partners too)
Often, this will be while you are still locked! She knows you came to her from a chastity background and suspects you see bisexuality as a humiliation for you (even if it's not), so she will usually ask you to start with the other man and only then will she unlock you to have sex with her or the other woman
Some evenings however, there are orgies and she might unlock you soon, or be lost in the action and forget to even unlock you at all until the night is almost done!
She isn't an hypocrite however: her female partners also need to both have sex with her and one of the other men in bed. Often, that's you but it might be her husband while Francine has sex with you.
Occasionally, a female partner will choke when having sex with her, in which case she will help her, soothe her, and guide her but if she doesn't open up, everyone else is kicked out.
If you did your part with another man present and got nothing in return, she will unlock you and you will get to have one of the rare one on one sexual adventure with her.
The same can occur if the male refuses you, but since you didn't have to perform, you will not get a unlock even if his wife did have sex with Francine. She will still be angry...
The worst however is if both partner perform their homosexual prelude and then refuse heterosexual sex. When that occurs, she gets even angrier and feel like you were both used: She will kick them out, not caring that they are, that she is, and if you think she is small, she can kick a 6 foot 4 gorilla out with her fury! Their clothes and effects will be thrown at them in a second phase.
Fortunately, it's rare... but it shows you to never say no to an unlock when you merit one!
Speaking of unlocks...
If one of you always finds partners, this can occur every night! Otherwise, sex stops and you can remain locked without teasing or sexual attention for weeks or months if neither of you can find anyone.
Francine however, will not fuck the same partners twice in a row. She doesn't want any attachment to a single person or a pair of them. She will agree to see the same person on a regular basis (if they find another partner each time), as long as there are other partners in between each sexual meeting.
If you find two couples to alternate having sex with every night, Francine will not complain!
But love and emotions, that only between the two of you. She doesn't want a girlfriend or another boyfriend and will drop any partners who tries to get emotionally attached.
She might refuse one on one sex, but she doesn't want other relationships. In fact, what she refuses to give you inside your couple, she makes up with the rest!
She cooks the most amazing meals and loves every food you make for her (except that one soup. Don't make it again), even your grilled cheese sandwhiches which she just finds irresistable.
She loves jokes and will laugh at yours. She will watch any tv shows you want to watch and even will try videogames (or at least, watch you play).
You will get to know her deeply within her soul and she will be very interested and accept everything you will want to share. If you had to find a word to describe her, it would be soulmate.
Everytime you find at least one female and one male bi-sexual partners to have sex with, you will be unlocked after having performed homosexually.
coming soon.
You are very happy. Francine might be very strict about when to have sex, but she is ready for anything. She is also very fun outside of sex and loves you deeply. We just hope you are bisexual... it will make it easier!