So neither Zoe or Fenna are your wife. You are just their toy to tease and (ab)use daily: they are actually married to each other.
That's not to say that they do not feel some affection for you, but thinking it's love would be overstating it!
To the outside world, you are just a roommate, but you actually sleep with them in the same king-size bed, sometimes by Zoe's side, sometimes by Fenna's side, occasionally between them.
All three of you sleep in the nude, most of the nights and despite it being a large bed, you get to spoon and cuddle the girls.
The problem, is that this is the most you can do! You are never unlocked to have sex with them, and you are never asked to offer them sexual favor: they only get sexual pleasure from each other.
You are always there however and often, one of them will use you for a pillow during sex, or literally lay on top you. Zoe, notably, likes to hold you hand while Fenna is pleasing her, and Fenna enjoys kissing you while Zoe is going down on her.
It's not like you are not a participant to their sexual play, but you feel more like a catalyst: an substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical changes.
In you case, it means that your presence and light participation increases Zoe and Fenna's sexual pleasure without you really feeling like you are participating.
Fenna will sometimes let you play with her breasts during sex, but Zoe will rarely let you do so.
It's not like they pay no attention to you however! They will verbally tease you all day long about how it's a shame that you picked lesbians who do not care about your dick.
While cooking, they will non-stop reference a mess and claim to be happy not to have to deal with your disgusting sperm that gets everywhere. And then laugh that they don't even know what they are talking about!
They will also spend hours outside of the sex wondering how such a small dick can please heterosexual women and compare how long and deep a woman's touch is.
Zoe knew early the that was gay, but Fenna had two ex-boyfriends she was sexual with and will gladly comment on how inadequate a man is.
Zoe notably asks you every morning if you dreamt of sex, and if in those deams, you were locked or not...
But they will of course also tease you physically like touching the cage and commenting on how digusting a dick is. They will also take turn at night to kiss your useless dick good night.
Fenna in particular will often sensually run her fingers all over your body after she had sex to "thank you" for beind there while Zoe laughs at how horrible Fenna is being.
Ironically, outside of bed and sex, you have some fun with them: you help cook elaborate meals for their lesbian friends (most of whom have no idea what your actual relationship is), and they drag you to lesbian bars where you see sexy girls dance together. No one ever questions your presence but you are often the only man on location.
But some of their friends know in detail who you are and are jealous of Zoe and Fenna, but don't think it will lead anywhere: both Zoe and Fenna are stricly monogamous and expect you to be loyal to them.
They also love to bicycle with you, them on a tandem bike and you on your own. You get to explore the nice country side of the Netherlands as they teach you the history and the language.
They both love artsy movies and will be happy to take you to the local mostly empty theater where they might feel around during some of the slow scenes.
They also read a lot, usually nude on the bed over the covers and will be happy to let you sit naked between them with your kindle or book to read in silence. Every few page turn, one of them will touch you and tease you.
Every few weeks, Zoe can feel that you are at your limits and lends you the key to go masturbate alone in the bathroom. She expects you to lock yourself back up once you are done, and not to leave any mess.
When you return, both girls will try to remain serious as they question you on whether the wait was worth it, on whether you "finally got to feel like a man", on whether "they are bad girls for keeping you locked", but in reality, they will laugh at pretty many anything you reply: they are just teasing you.
They usually will have sex right after you are done and will have waited for you. They will laugh on how fast it was for you and try to be extra long that night to show you how "real sex" works.
Oh, one final note, neither of them use dildo or strap-on: these are "toys of the patriarchy". They are perfectly able to please each other without them.
Every 2 or 3 weeks, Zoe can feel that you are at your limits and lends you the key to go masturbate alone in the bathroom. She expects you to lock yourself back up once you are done, and not to leave any mess.
Coming soon
You are happy!. You share a bed with two very sexy lesbians and get to see them have sex. They teases you and humiliates you daily. Isn't that a little what you were hoping for?