You have reached the end of the choices.
Read to see how you have done!Chaotic? Hectic? Wild?
Lotte is only after one thing: the next best hit, the new drug that will open her mind and her body to new experiences.
You? You are her anchor. The person who will remain mostly sober and will ensure her safety (and also partly fund her experiments)
Depending on her current drug, she will be different. on Cocaine, she want to fuck everything that moves and will not hesitate to unlock you to feel you come inside of her.
On Ecstacy she becomes wild and wants to hug everyone, preferrably nude, but don't want actual sex so you remain locked.
On acid, she becomes introspective and distant. On marijuana she expects a lot of attention (sexual and otherwise) but won't give any back.
Even when she takes the same drug for several days in a row, she risks going in very different directions!
Some weeks, she will be non-monogamous and serve as a hotwife who fucks pretty much very men or women who fall her way.
Some weeks, she will retire with you and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist.
She might find some of her friends and have them torment you for being in a chastity and the next week, have them over to fuck, taking turns.
Most of the time, she will wear little clothing but might occasionally become shy and hide under large comforters.
She might spend three days using you as a toilet and make you drink her urine (sometimes even serving it chilled in glasses for you in front of her friends ), and the following day lock the door when she pees because "it's embarassing".
Not that her friends are any better! One of her friends is sometimes an hardcore lesbian who will have sex for hours with Lotte and sees you as the "avatar of the patriarcy" and the next week, bed Lotte to let you out of your cage to "put her in her place"
You live in a constant whirlwind that takes you in a million directions and your only safe approach is to... accept it and go with it!
If you fight the wave, you will surely lose and be miserable, but if you embrace every moment you can see in Lotte's action a single constant behind her search for a new high or low: her love for you.
It's undeniable: Only 2 things matter in Lotte's lie: you, and her drugs and if you don't get in her way, she will fully love you and make sure you are happy.
Let's honest, you have no fucking clue when your next orgasm will be or how will be be. It might be minutes later after she does a line of coke or 4 months after an eternally long acid fueled bender in which she is mostly out of it.
You might be unlocked for a ruined handjob or to participate in a large orgy that last for a whole week-end of non-stop debauchery. That's what it's like with Lotte. No care, no thought about the future, living 100% in the present and for the next fix.
Coming soon
You are often happy? So, Lotte is a tough cookie to crack. Every day will be a wild ride as you change lifestyles to suit her latest high. Sometimes, you might be miserable but the next time she changes her drugs of choice you might end up in a spot you never hoped for. One thing is sure, thigs will never be boring.