You have reached the end of the choices.
Read to see how you have done!When you agreed to marry Ichika, you also agreed to suffer the contant teasing of her 11 sexy friends (8 are Japanese, 1 is French, 1 is Chinese and 1 is Congolese)
You officially stay with Ichika in her bed and she is the one that you present to familly and friends as being your wife. She is your main girl when it comes to your birthday, the holidays or going on vacation.
But you also kind of partially date (in a non-sexual way) the other 11 girls in that they often take you out on dates, make you spend the night over and generally expect you to spend them with them on their birthday.
They all know about your chastity and will constantly tease you about it and try to use it to make you do their bidding. "Can you clean my bathtub? If you don't, I'll tell Ichika to extend your locking"
Many of them will either wear underwear or will find excuses to be nude in your company just to tease you further. Nabiki for example, will also have you come over when she is the bathtub and need a back massage.
None of them are exceptionally needy however: they do not push to get more time or attention than what Ichika allows them to, but when they have you in their grasp, they each expect you to be 100% fully devoted to them.
But the thing is, not only is Ichika ok with this, she actually craves it and loves being in the center of his wonderful pseudo-harem.
None of them will ever cross the sexual threshold however: you will never be asked to do any sexual favors for them or be allowed to.
You are strictly monogamous but have 11 other very sexual girls teasing you without relent.
They tend to see you one by one, but you can organize perties with all (or most) of the girls and they will then coordinate to increase the teasing. They are not above undressing just to make it worse on your (or better, depending on how you see it).
Sex in any way, shape or form however, is always only with Ichika alone.
Well, maybe not alone... both Ichika and the French girl (Adele) have a thing for each other and will agree to do threesomes with you while you are locked and will often have sex with each other.
Adele is overtly bisexual but Ichika isn't: she only likes her, specifically. You will, however, never be unlocked while Adele is present. Your erections belong to Ichika alone.
BTW, Two of the other Japanese girls are roommates and will agree to go on a date together with you and then both will torment you at their apartment.
Ichika will unlock you when she feels that most of ther friends managed to properly tease you which might take a week or two on good times and a little more when everyone is busy.
Unlocks are for hours of sexual activities where Ichika will expect numerous orgasms from your erect cock: she had her friends tease you for weeks and now, she feels she deserves some cashback from it.
Outside of this teasing, Ichika is a wonderful wife who really cares for you: that's why she feels absolutly safe in letting you be teased by her friends, she knows you will not cheat on her because she is awesome.
That migt seem presoumptuous, but it's not: she often goes on walks with you to talk about your relationship and will adjust anything you feel is lacking (except the parameters spelled above, of course).
She will improve her cooking, have Adele over more (or less) often, dress more like you want her to dress, share any hobbies. She wants you to be happy and the arrangement with her friends is to maximise that.
Ichika will unlock you when she feels that most of ther friends managed to properly tease you which might take a week or two on good times and a little more when everyone is busy.
Unlocks are for hours of sexual activities where Ichika will expect numerous orgasms from your erect cock: she had her friends tease you for weeks and now, she feels she deserves some cashback from it.
coming soon
You are extremely happy!. Ichika is absolutly drop-dead gorgeous and most of the rest of the harem as just a sexy. You get teased by all of them and have amazing sex with your wife all while still getting the high of chastity.