You have reached the end of the choices.
Read to see how you have done!When you agreed to marry Ichika, you also kind of agreed to suffer the contant teasing of her 11 sexy friends (8 are Japanese, 1 is French, 1 is Chinese and 1 is Congolese)
You officially stay with Ichika in her bed and she is the one that you present to familly and friends as being your wife. She is your main girl when it comes to your birthday, the holidays or going on vacation.
But the other 11 girls will constantly pester you for affection, dates and sexuality. They will all scheme to get you alone in order to steal a kiss or a date from you.
What's worse is that these are all part of Ichika's gang so they often find ways to distract her to get you alone with them.
Chaos surrounds you as these often opposing hijinks collaspes on each other: One might try to get Ichika to come see her while another wants her at your house and you away.
Letters with fake signatures abound, fake sms texts, false (and sometimes real) kidnappings or there is a crisis only Ichika or you can solve that is generated to get you alone.
But if Ichika finds you in the arm of a member of her group, she gets into a violent jealousy outburst in which she will hit you and yell at you.
To make it worse, 4 Japanese men also run after Ichika and try to seduce her away from you and she will go out of her way to provoke your jealousy, especially if you catch Ishika performing oral sex on them (the further she will go).
And not just the 4 guys! Both Ichika and the French girl (Adele) have a thing for each other and Adele will alternate between chasing you and chasing Ichika.
You see, Adele is overtly bisexual but Ichika isn't: she only likes her, specifically. However, if Ichika catches you with Adele, instead of being jealous, she will join you (but without the key), and if you catch her with Adele, she expects you to join them (and might get the key...)
Of course, all of the girls (and the 4 guys) know about your chastity and will constantly tease you about it and try to use it to make you do their bidding. "Can you clean my bathtub? If you don't, I'll tell Ichika to extend your locking"
Every day is a struggle and often, things are resolved with wacky competitions to determine stupid outcomes! "Whoever makes the best pancake wins a date", with you as a judge so you have to choose Ichika, but during the cooking all of the girls take turn trying to kiss you in secreté
The thing is, Ichika really seems to enjoy all of this chaos around the 2 of you and on a day where nothing occurs, she will try to provoke it!
So, let's face it: Ichika is addicted to drama. She wants the intensity of this life and if you at some point stop trying to sneak away to kiss or date the other girls, she will grow cold and distant.
If you stop being jealous that she has attention from the 4 men, she will grow cold and distant.
But if you manage to sneak a date without her noticing, she will be passionate and warm with you and even if she catches you, once the jealous rage is over, she will be closer to you.
And don't think you'll be able to keep anything secret from her: she will learn about everything you do, so you need to always pretend that you don't want the other girls to kiss you, even if you want it...
It's weird, but it works for her and it kinds of work for you too. When you succesfully date one of the girls, it often goes to you performing oral sex on her, and Ichika later unlocking for you wild sex when she hears about it.
Those unlocks are usualy for hours of sexual activities where Ichika will expect numerous orgasms from your erect cock: she is all hot that you managed to get close to one of her friends and she feels she deserves some cashback from it.
But not if you get caught...
With hijinks occuring on a constant basis, it's hard to build a relationship with Ichika but you still manage to spend some time and the majority of the nights with her (yes, the hijinks also continue at night with girls sneaking in your room and kissing you while Ichika sleeps next to you or grab you to go elsewhere).
When not angry, she has a great personality and her ideas for this chaotic life was to always make life fun. She wants your marriage to be something special, lived to the fullest each day.
Outside of this chaos, Ichika is a wonderful wife who really cares for you: that's why she feels absolutly safe in letting this occur with her friends, she knows you will not leave her because this life is the best there is and she really is the main girl of the group.
That migt seem presoumptuous, but it's not: she often goes on walks with you to talk about your relationship and will adjust anything you feel is lacking (except the parameters spelled above, of course). You will even be able to discuss the hijinks without her exploding of jealousy.
She will improve her cooking, have be caught with Adele more (or less) often, dress more like you want her to dress, share any hobbies. She wants you to be happy and the arrangement with her friends is to maximise that.
Ichika will unlock you only when after weeks of constant hijinks in which she caught you multiple times, you manage to evade her to perform oral sex on one of her friends without her noticing. When her friend tells her, she will unlock you.
Unlocks are for hours of sexual activities where Ichika will expect numerous orgasms from your erect cock: she had her friends run after you for weeks and now, she feels she deserves some cashback from it.
She will occasionally arrange to be caught having sex with Adele while she wanted to unlock you and let you have a threesome with her, including having sex with both girls multiple times.
Oddly enough, there are never any chaos during your unlocks...
coming soon
You are extremely happy!. Ichika is absolutly drop-dead gorgeous and most of the rest of the harem as just a sexy. The chaos is never boring you get to have amazing sex with your wife (and sometimes Adele) all while still getting the high of chastity.