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Read to see how you have done!So Greta is a ton of fun! Always on the run, you go see plays with her, go the theater, the gym and eat in fancy restaurants.
Your friends and her family see you as this adorable couple who simply can't get enough of each other: she likes to sit on your lap, kiss you and generally have a lot of public display of affection toward you.
She is always impecably dressed and forever in a good mood when in your company. You can feel it with every bone in your body: she is fully smitten by you and doesn't want you to change one bit to please her.
Most of your friends know what she does for a living: she is a professional dominatrix who sells domination services to the men and women of Berlin.
Her strict "no sex" policy has attracted some of the most hardcore masochists as well as many odd non-sexual fetishists.
She even organized some financial control of a few businessmen she keeps in strict chastity and a few of whom actually clean your home!
Her popularity has allowed her to gain financial gains which let you enjoy the finer things in life!
Now, Greta knows you are into chastity and despite not being the reason she fell in love with out, it's something she fully respects.
She uses her skills gained at work to keep you happy on that front, trying to keep you on your toes and always entertained.
She will actually change "narrative" on a frequent basis from strick controlling female led wife who keeps you chaste for weeks to that of a loving sex-deprived wife who unlocks you every night.
She might tease you one month about your chastity and beg you for more sex the next.
She does keep your chastity 100% secret: to friends, she will simply say that being a dominatrix is a "job" and you are her vanilla husband who makes her fully happy.
And in many ways, you are in vanilly husband: you have a say on your activities, she will consider your hobbies and you have a joint chequing account so you can actually spend her hard gained money on your own stuff without complaints.
She does expect you to have a day job of some kind: she doesn't want a lazy bum, but won't drive you to overwork either. She just wants you to be as professionally fulfilled as she is.
Form time to time, she might drift into a more controlling phase of your chastity including seizing your money and controlling what you eat, but that too passes and soon enough, you are back to normal.
She will make you wear your chastity full time when not during an actual unlock because she sees your chastity as an aspect of your personality as much as her hair is an aspect of hers.
It all depends on Greta's moods! She might keep you looked for weeks or unlock you daily. She tries to keep it fresh.
Releases are also fresh: from full sex to ruined masturbation.
coming soon.
You are very happy. Greta is hot and from her work, manages to really capture what it is like to handle a man in chastity. You have a lot of fun both in bed and outside of bed with her.