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Read to see how you have done!Sandrine is a swinger: she spends her free time in sex clubs (or swinger's club if you prefer that name) to have sex with as many people as possible.
She considers herself to be pansexual and will have sex with anyone of any gender but she does not try to maintain any relationships with these casual sexual partners.
The only reason she has regular partners is that these people hang around the same clubs that she does and proposition her often. She doesn't care that she sees them regularly, just that on a particular night they are interested.
She wants you always by her side when she goes out, but if you are too tired, busy or simply wants to go home, she will go by herself: she lives for those adventures and will not miss out on them!
On a night out, she will favor the sexiest people first but aa the night progresses, she will lower her standards because "sex is sex" and do pretty much anyone.
But what she craves, is traveling... even if it's just taking the train for the week-end to go visit sex clubs in Belgium, Germany or even as far a Austria and Hungary: Sandrine knows them all.
The train isn't her only way to travel: she also drags you by plane to New York, Jamaica, Thailand, anywhere popular where couples can go to have sex with other couples, Sandrine is a semi-regular
Vecause of that, Sandrine is pretty much a world celebrity in the underworld of sex club and she has hundred of thousands of snapchat followers aroudn the globe, some of which travel to meet her in clubs she goes out in order to have sex with her.
Club thus love her and pamper to her needs: you both get to come for free and get extra attention from them, including sometimes paying airfare and letting you sleep at the club instead of paying for an hotel room.
You also visit Paris clubs, but it's a very different experience: for one, Sandrine is more ingognito at home, she doesn't anounce going out to her followers and she treats it as a repetition for the real events arboard.
But where is another big reason why it's different for you: when traveling, you chastity device stays home and you get to have sex with some of the hottest women on the planet, usually in group sex with your wife!
You also get to have almost as much sex as you want with her and she will crave pretty much all of the sexual attention you can give each other: blow jobs, anal sex, threesomes with a sexy women, anything.
however, in Paris, you are always locked, period. Sandrine even jokes with her partners that he never takes off the cage and you are her personnal butler there to carry her clothes, make sure her partners are treating her right and cook her meals.
Her regular Snapchat followers know that she is lying as they saw you have sex with other people (and her), but she is famous enough that no one contradicts her to her face.
She isn't totally wrong about you being her butler while in Paris: she typically strips naked almost as soon as she arrives in a club and while many clubs have lockers, it's your job to handle that. She also put you in charge of ensuring everyone wears a condom as she is often overwhelmed.
Locally, she does often make you strip and even perform oral sex on her female partners (and sometimes her) during nights and you became quite a celebrity as women in Paris beg her to have you perform on them.
A few know that about your deal and will follow you to other clubs to have the chance to have sex with you.
Some men have pity on you, but most are grateful to be able to fuck your wife.
So, when do you get unlocked? When traveling! While in Paris, you are always in chastity and never get unlocked, period.
Sandrine however, doesn't really do teasing whe one on one: you being in chastity it is simply normal to her and she only tease in clubs because she learned her followers enjoy that: it's not for your own benefit
To Sandrine, swinging is not her being a hotwife or cuckolding you: she almost sees it as her job (despite having another job) and the nights she keeps you locked in Paris simply to "honor your fetish and get you to travel with her"
To her, your chastity is simply a tool get you to follow her around the globe and not conplain that you rarely spend the week-end in Paris.
Outside of swinging and traveling, she spends most of her time with her snapchat followers. She does love you and will often put her phone aside to talk about your days at work and will often cook amazing meals, but if you try to watch a movie with her, her attention will switch to snapchat within a few minutes.
She does spend a lot of time nude in the house, so that's a major plus...
Everytime Sandrine unlocks you, prior to leaving for trip outside of Paris, and she locks you back up when you return.
When unlocked and at a sex club, you are free to have as much sex as you can, with anyone including her.
When in Paris, you only chance for an unlock is to travel.
coming soon.
You are very happy!. Sandrine is consistently the hottest woman you meet and you get to see her have sex with some of the sexiest people in Paris. You also get to have sex with some of the sexiest people on the planet.