You have reached the end of the choices.
Read to see how you have done!You live on a commune she founded where she is the only woman and you are just one of the 11 men in chastity on the site. So how does it work?
The commune has 2 houses, a small 1 bedroom one and a larger one with the main refectory and a large bedroom with bunkbeds. Ten of the guys sleep in the large house while Amelie sleeps in her house with one of the men.
Each month (except February), Amelie changes which man has the chance to sleep with her. In your case, it's March.
When it's your month, you get to spend high quality time with Amelie: you talk talk intimately with her, she asks you to perform oral sex every night and will even unlock you several times per week to have sex with you.
During your month, you will absolutely feel like you are married to her and she will pay great attention to you to ensure you are happy in her company.
You might even go on a date in town, with her wearing her nicest dress and you, your nice tailored suit and than make passionate love in her bed while she professes her love for you.
When April starts however, you will be sent to the dormitory and the man who get April will switch places with you.
The rest of the year, you are kept busy in the commune: you are winery that sells high quality and very sought wine and also make a small quantity of cheese, in part for personal consumption but some for a high-price export.
In all cases, depiste caring for 12 people, the commune makes a lot of money even if none of the members actually become rich: all of the money is invested in food, upkeep and upgrades.
Amelie get to keep most of the profits, but you still get enough money to buy videogames, clothes, personal effets and if you pool with other men, you can buys most expensive things like game consoles, televisions, etc...
The group works well together and the few disputes are always amicably solved since the alternative is punishment from Amelie and she really doesn't want to get involved.
Speaking of Amelie, she still supervises the work in the commune while caring for her current partner (who then still does some work). It's not like she is holed up in her house all month long.
Outside of March, she will still talk to you on a personal basis and often have one on one conversations to maintain the relationship. She will offer general teasing to all of the men but also more personalized ones.
For example, she kepts her men nude and will rattle the cages when she gets by one of them, might kneel and fake a blow job over it, might press herself to them remininding them of what they are missing. She will play with her hair secuctively.
In short, she tries to keep it interesting all year long, even if you get no unlocks outside of March.
Oh, one more thing: she is generally topless and will usually only wear a pareo or bikini bottom when walking around the commune.
There are of course, milking tools in your house and the men help each other in great respect (except for those who prefer to be degraded).
A great camaderie is built between the men as you support each other during the hard 11 months between your chances for unlocks.
In March, you will get to spend the month with Amelie who will unlock you several times per week for sex.
coming soon.
You are perhaps happy, it depends on you. Amelie is your keyholder but isn't actually your wife. She only teases you for most of the year, but you can get much closer to her one month per year.