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Read to see how you have done!So, let's be honest: Sandra is completly confused and lost in your marriage. She met you on a gang bang fan website: you wanted a wife that does gagn bang to fuel your chastity fetish and she wanted a serious boyfriend for a day to day vanila life but that also enjoyed gang bangs
Chastity was never in her interests but somehow, she still fell in love with you online without you realizing that she saw your relationship differently than she did.
To her, chastity was a fantasy like gangbangs were for her! Something to live every few weeks between streches of vanilla ordinary life seeing friends, going to movies and have sex as a couple.
It's only after your marriage that she began realizing that chastity is pretty much the opposite of gangbangs: it's not short burts of wild excitments in the middle of long boring slices of life: it changes the long slices of life and is punctuated with brief unlocks.
The first year of your marriage was very difficult with her trying to use chastity as an occasional intense action like gangbangs are to her, and you trying to include it in small day to day actions
It's on your trip to celebrate your one anniversary that she began trully taking ownership of the key, much to your pleasure.
She decided, on that day, that you had no words to say about whether you were unlocked or not. If she wanted you out of the cage few a week, you would be. If she wanted you a year without unlock, you would agree.
As it turns out, she really, like, really likes sex so in reality, almost everytime she wants sex, you have sex with her. Apart from wearing a chastity device when not fornicating, you end up with a pretty vanilly life with no teasing but a lot of kissing and affection.
But then, she gets a gangbang invitation and as much as she anticipates is, she typically abstains from sex for a few days (sometimes up to a week) to make sure she is plenty horny for the event. For you, it means amazing time spent locked up full time.
After a gangbang, she has her sex drive fully drained for a few days so if you don't get unlocked at the gangbang, you can spend up to 10 days in a row locked up!
But that's an if... Sandra wanted a Gangbang partner. Someone she knows who will fuck her in the middle of a series of anonymous cocks. Someone she will be able to look at as if he fucking another girl at the gangbang while she is surrounded by random strangers.
She accepts that you wnt chastity in your life and that it brings you something but she never pictured you in chastity at a gangbang.
She did agree to a compromise. If your key is on location at the gangbang: you have to be unlocked and fuck every girl on location or she takes away the cage until the next gangbang (where you have another change to try). Sandra, in her mind, sees that as a punishment like taking away her gangbangs would be for her. In a way, she isnt't wrong...
If the key stays home, you will remain in chastity until she wants to have sex, a few days later.
So is the key going or staying? Well, in her twisted mind, you want chastity more than anything else so if she feels that you were nice, did more chores, were good in bed and generally pleasent, she will pretend to bring it but "forget it at home. Oopsie".
She will make you strip naked and peform oral sex on all of the girls (including her), and make the guys laugh at you for being in chastity as a condition to fuck her. She thinks that she is giving you the biggest high a man in chastity can get when she is getting her own biggest high and honestly, can you say she is wrong?
But even if you are always perfect, she really wants to you fuck her like a bitch at those events so you can't expect to skip many in a row.
Outside of sex, you have a decent enought marriage. She loves and likes spending time with you and to talk with you. She might not go out of her way for your hobbies but she won't ridicule them or prevent you from seeing your friends.
She will unlock you three or five per week for sex, except in the week or so before a gang bang and the few days after.
You can often participate in gangbangs and have to have sex with all of the girls on location (usually 2 or 3)
You are somewhat happy!. Chastity isn't important to your wife, but she kinds of respects it. She had wild gangs and even when you participate she has a lot more extra-martial sex than you do so it kinds of line up with your fantasies. Your wife is hot and loves you. She cares about you and wants to make sure you are happy. And you are...