You have reached the end of the choices.
Read to see how you have done!In short: unpredictable and fun.
Sandra had a big 8 sided dice custom printed with 8 different symbols on them which determine, each time you are locked, how your next chastity period will go.
Here is the list of the 8 sides and a description of what they mean:
You end up with 6 rather different relationships with Sandra, with the possibility of a more intense experience. WHat makes it even more exciting is that some of these allow for a lot of variety: 2 periods of BDSM might be very different from one another, with one live stricly at home where she keeps you nude and whips you daily, an another might be centered on elaborate bondage with visits to local BDSM dungeons.
The edging weeks might be used to torture you or, other times, to excite you until your final release where you will be able to comes.
Even the releases are unpredictable but most of the time, you get to either have sex (in the vagina or anally) with her even if sometimes she will limit you to a blow job, a hand job or rarely just masturbation.
She might switch things up by making you do oral sex on her under her skirt but not letting see you naked for a while and another week, spend as much time nude as possible without you being able to touch you, and any other such variations!
You see, Sandra is mortally scared of routine and boredom and she uses chastity as a way to seriously spice up your respective sex life. She denies you sexually to keep having sex with you from being repetitive and boring not as an intrinsic fetish on it's own.
She does, however, understand that it is your fetish and she makes her best to be the perfect chastity wife: a ton of teasing, always making sure to keep you horny and plenty of sexual action, locked or not.
She will take part in Lockoctober, not unlocking you for the whole month of October, but on the other hand will celebrate the Christmas miracle: keeping you out of chastity between Christmas Eve and New Years day to fuck you 3 to 4 times per day!
What she wants, deeply, is for both of you to have an emotionally and sexually satifying life as a couple.
Each time one of the 6 "games" end, you get release which most of the time is sex. Sometimes, even more than once. The exact release type depends on how she feels and rarely is based on the previous choice. She does tend to want longer, tender love making after a gangbang a rougher sex after a BDSM period but even that varies.
From time to time, she declares a period of chastity freedom: usually a week-end for your (or her) birthday, and a full week between Christmas and the New Year.
Every year, she picks one gang bang (when the dice is rolls on the bomb icon) where there is at least one other women to unlock you and let you participate like the other men: have sex as often as you want, with any of the girls (incuding her).
We feel that Sandra is too varied to properly write a scene, so here is a Calendar of rolls.
November 1st: after a month locked (Lockoctober), you had passionate sex with Sandra and she rolled a bomb.
November 16th: after two weeks of oral sex on her, you go to a Gang bang with 2 other women. Sandra suprises you and unlocks you: you have sex with Jill, and sodomize Lia while another guy is in her pussy. You later go the opposite to Sandra with a different guy anally pounder her. All 3 girls perform oral sex on you, but only Lia to completion: her pussy and ass were both busy and you had to wait for an opening (pun intended).
At home, no additional release: you had 4 orgasms in 5 hours, a record. When locked, the Cliff is rolled.
For a week, Sandra edges you for an hour every evening, right before re-locking you and make you fuck her with a strap-on.
November 23rd: On Release, you don't have sex with her, you explode inside of her from all of the edging. She doesn't come, but she doesn't care. She loved it. You roll the 2x symbol... the week of Thanksgiving
For a week, Sandra edges you for two hours every evening, right before re-locking you and make you orally make her come.
November 28th: you spend thanksgiving at her parents house. She edges you in at much silence as possible but you both laugh when her father knocks on your door to make sure you are both ok. He heard "weird noises".
November 30th: back you, you roll a stone icon. You inventory the back: 46 black stones, 8 white ones. Odds are bad... She notices you only have 4 available black stones so the next Tuesday, you make a shopping run.
December 19th: Finally a frigging white stone! You actually suspect that Sandra cheated as she was starting to get frustated herself. You both agree to not only remove half of the white stones, but also half of the black ones, otherwise, next time it won't be fun.
Sandra proposes not to roll the dice, but instead, just continue with Chastity and oral sex on her until Christmas, for the annual Christmas miracle. You agree that it makes a lot of sense.
December 24th. You exchange a few gifts. Sandra's special gift is a leather collar for BDSM weeks... with your key attached to it! You unlock yourself and get ready to jump on your wife, but she convinces you to put the collar
December 31st: You are sodomizing Sandra as the clock nears midnight. When it does, she makes you pull out, clean yourself, and lock back up without being allowed to finish. She does make you finish with a strap-on.
You are trully deeply happy!. You have a very varied sex life and even if you are mostly in chastity, you get one gang-bang per year and get multiple unlocked periods to have constant sex with her. You wife is hot and clearly loves you. She cares about you and wants to make sure you are happy. And you are...