How is being married to Melanie like? In a word: Awesome! She is funny, nice, friendly, sexy, cares about you and it pretty much the perfect vanilla wife.
Seriously, your friends are jealous! She'll drag you to way too many festivals in the summer, depriving you of sleep, but honestly, you have a blast with her!
You still have no clue how she does it, but you get to go backstage like, non-stop. It's as if she knows every band and every crew member!
Outside of the summer, you go see live shows in dive bars, often of the same bands from the summer playing in secret shows. You often finish the night drinking in their lounge, at their cost.
Being into chastity, you would expect it's because she sleeps with them or does other hotwife type of activities but no! She just knows the perfect way to get close to bands without looking like groupies.
You moved in to be with her, but she made sure you made a lot of friends and it's clear that for her, it's her role as a wife. As a friend. She's not doing it to tease you or anything like that. no way.
None of your friends know that you met on a chastity match-up site. None of them know that you are even in chastity! Melanie is perfectly vanilla!
A least, in the winter, where you don't even were your chastity cage, at all, and you have sex daily (if not more). She can't get enough of your cock and wants to drink your sperm every single day, in addition to feeling you inside of her. You probably have more sex in those 3 months than your friends in a year!
In spring, she locks you except for a weekly sex session (thought sometimes, for multiple times) and appears to be just as sex starved as you are! When she puts the key in your lock, she holds her breath and exhales in relief when the key turns, as if she wasn't sure it rusted or something.
You then make amazing sex, and she explain how sad she is for having to lock you back up. The rest of the week, she can't wait for the week-end! Sure, she wants oral sex, dildos, your fingers, anything to get her off and yet, will say that "it pales in comparison to the real thing.".
She will even sneak in a simple "You know, I didn't ask for this. I am doing this for you...", even thought her profile had made it clear she wouldn't date a men not willing to be in chastity.
In the summer however, she turns into a tease expert. She keeps bringing up how long until the next time and insists on how she is the one trapping you. Her version of event changes and reduces you to 2 monhtly mastubation session of exactly 2 minutes (too bad if you can't come) and a final single minute one on September 21st.
During that month, she will explain how worthless your dick is to her and how your tongue and fingers are so much better than the real thing. She laughs at your mastubation attempts and will do nothing to help you climax: she will not touch you, strip or let you see porn to help.
A least, you are busy with a ton of festivals to take your mind off.
Fall however, is the worst. You get ZERO unlocks and she raises the teasing to new levels. In the summer, even she it's hot, she remains somewhat modest but in the fall.. she'll be in sexy lace underwear or literally nude while the two are alone at home.
She'll tease you that you don't even remember what her pussy feels like for your dick while you are giving her oral sex. She don't actually demean you. She is too nice for that, but you'll feel sad sometimes when she does a little too far.
But just when you think you can't get enough, on December 21st, she draw a nice warm bubble bath for you. Stips both of you naked, and she actually washes all of your body sensually, and finishes by removing your cage for the winter. Make sure you don't have to wake up early on the 22th, because the both of you won't do much sleeping while in bed, having 6 months without any sex to catch up about.
So how is it? Well, outside of sexuality, Melanie is just the best you can have, at least in your mind. Sexually, she is wild and fun. Her vision of chastity is unique, unheard of and lets you alternate between 4 differents sexual styles. You still get to be denied, but you don't lose access to sex.
Plus, who can say no to free universal healthcare?
Melanie follows the seasons!
On December 21st, she removes you cage, bathes you and you get to be a normal, not in chastity husband until March 21st. You will have sex daily with your wife, often more than once, and she will agree to pretty much any sexual position or action. Anal sex, pegging, Blow Job. She will blow your mind.
On March 21st, after 3 months of intense sex, she puts the cage back on, usually after one last intercourse. Until June 21st, you will be unlocked for 1 hour of sex, every week. It will be when you are both available, but typically on a Friday or Saturday evening. If you or her are busy, you can schedule at another time during the week-end without any penalties. For that hours, she is just as available as during the winter.
On June 21st, she has sex with you one last time, regardless of the day of the week and locks you up in your cage. On July 21st and August 21st, she unlocks you for 2 minutes and lets you masturbate, if you are able to come at all.
On September 21st, a christman giftbox is on the table for breakfast. She gives you a single minute to masturbate and then, relocks you and puts your keys in the box, and writes "Do not open until December 21st". You spend the whole 3 months locked up with no release of any kind
On any nights where you are locked, she still expects an orgasm from you. She will every morning remind you of how many days are left until your next unlock. But in Winter, she makes no mention of chastity in any way, shape or kind.
You are in the car. You are coming back from a rock festival and it's pitchblack outside. Melanie is half asleep by your side.
You reach the highway. She removes her bra without taking off her shirt. "Ah, that feels nice. I was all constricted"
She puts her left hand on your cage. "Do you feel constricted down there? Only 4 days until you can masturbate, little fellow. The last 2 minute one of the year."
You tense up. This will be your second year. The first time in, it was all abstract: 3 months of only wanking and 3 months of strict chastity, followed by non-stop sex? "sign me up" you thought.
Ok, not really. You are into chastity. You had expected to find a horrible angry feminist for a wife but you were blessed! You were always conflicted in your head: chastity or not? Long-term? Short-term?
Well, with Melanie, you get it all! And you decided, you hated fall... 3 months was too long for you! You mentionned it to her, but each time, she replied the same thing: "You agreed. It's this, or you go back to the United States"
Put like that... and it's not like you are miserable at all! The order even makes sense! As the year progresses, you get less and less, and reset on December 21st!
"Will you carry me to the bed? I might be too tired to walk..."
"Sure, but does that means we won't fool around?
"Dude, I said too tired to walk. Not to tired for you to make me cum with your magic tongue"
You smile. At least, those 3 months locked up, and the 3 horrible months you were currently completing were kind of nice. And summer in Montreal is amazing! All the festivals you see, all of the food you eat.
"Can't wait for fall", she says, in her half slumber
"Because I am locked up?", she hits me on the shoulder.
"No dummy. Because of the leaves. Because less festivals means more sex and more sleep. Ok, more sex for me. Maybe you were right. Maybe it's because you are locked up"
Half asleep, she is easy to interrogate. "Why did you pick this schedule?"
"Why did you decide to wear a chastity cage?", she replies, yawning
"Because it sounded to fun!"
"Well, that's precisely why I picked this schedule. Because it sounded fun."
"But why the no unlock in Fall?"
"Well D'uh because it's my favorite season..."
"Isn't it winter?"
She stands up. "Fuck no. It's cold, it's sticky. It's ugly. There's nothing fun to do."
"Is that why you picked the no chastity in winter? So it's more fun?"
"Am I stuttering? I just said there is nothing fun to do. Nothing"
She fell asleep soon after. You kept wondering what she meant...
You are quite happy!.You have an active life with Melanie and get to have the impression of living 4 different lives depending on the season. You get long moments of enforced chastity, just like you dreamed, but also a very active unlocked sexual life at other times
She never cheats on you and she takes good care of you. What more than you ask for?