College Chastity Choice Game 2
Osha chapter 1: Osha changes her marriage
Step #1) After Bob
Saturday 28th of August 2021 04h00 PM
Osha is sitting at her desk, with a heavy heart.
Not only was she still disgusted by her afternoon with Bob and Ellie, but Steward has created a much bigger scene then she anticipated.
Why did she follow her brother to America? Why did she follow in the family tradition? And why did she agree to research the vile subject of male chastity which is at the antipodes of her beliefs? Of her family's beliefs, she corrected herself.
Why did she marry Steward, even thought he couldn't understand what her profession is? Why can't be function sexually like her mother after seeing a client? And why couldn't she be more honest with him about it?
Wait, she is technically a therapist. Perhaps she could use some of her techniques to solve her problems?
Instead of blocking and make an anxiety attack devour her sanity, she decided to open a new Google document, and noted, in Hindi, the top questions.
Why America? Why Career? Why Chastity? Why Steward? Why Blocked? Why dishonest?
Good. She is supposed to prepare the report for Bob, but she can't function without a clear mind and good conscience toward herself.
She knows why she followed her brother. India is becoming once again more radicalized, and her mother is technically from a low clan. For him, it was tragic, he would have little opportunities for networking there. Their father was well-off, rich even, but in a radicalized India is left little place for the kids he had from a wife coming from a lower caste.
When he got married, India was secular, but the old ways were coming back. And both her brother and her wouldn't fit there, just like their parents didn't think they would fit here. They craved their little kingdom, but their kids would have to make it in America.
The family traditions were in a similar vein. Having money was one thing. Being able to create a career for yourself in such a country was another.
Plus, growing up, Osha could see the respect that her mother was getting. She could speak to her grandmother explaining the joy the sacred profession was bringing. Her brother wanted to invest. That was simple. But he was getting finance. He understood the subtleties. He is like their father. She gets people, she understands their subtleties, She is like their mother.
It did bring her joy helping couples. There is no doubt in her mind. And she is good at it. She gets recommended, people are in awe that her profession even exists. They are skeptical at first, but so far, she had no disappointed clients. Her mother taught her well.
And this is why she was researching chastity and not contradicting Bob. He was destined to hit a wall, but at the same time, he wouldn't feel like it.
Overcoming sexual dysfunction is painful. Rewriting your conditioning takes a lot of effort. Bob would have needed to overcome guilt which, in today's society, isn't easy for men to do. Those of the previous generation didn't suffer from this. None of her Gen X or Boomer male clients have guilt. This is new. In older clients, it's the wives who suffer from guilt. But then again, she sees typical male problems in younger woman.
But she aims to please, so of course she would research chastity. It's her job! It's her career to know more about anything sexual, and from the start of the research she was doing, it seems that perhaps chastity is more sexual than she initially thought.
It's about denial, but it's about teasing. About increasing desire in the person in chastity, while increasing orgasms in the keyholder. She could see a few former clients where chastity might have been a shortcut, and she can see herself recommending it to future clients in some very specific situations.
Her initial rejection made sense, but now that she know how versatile it can be, she isn't opposed to it. In fact, she already has in her mind a draft proposal for how Bob could use chastity to help his problems, causing less pain than her usual head first approach.
She can hear Steward pacing in the living room. He is probably playing with his stupid mobile game. She thinks. Often she almost scolds him. "The fights are 100% automated Steward! It is basically a giant loot box system to get you to spend money while making you believe you have agency, but you don't"
But doing so, would just make him stop and spend more time with her. And with more time, would mean more pressure for sex.
She knows why she married him. He is nice, he cooks well, even Indian food like she enjoys and he eats as spicy as she does. He mostly accepts her job, he is funny but mostly, he gave her American citizenship.
Sure, it's more than a fake marriage. Osha loves him and he loves her. They have a surprising number of hobbies in common and not only do they enjoy the same American movies and TV shows, but he loves watching Bollywood movies, even subtitles so he can follow along. She enjoys the taste from home, and he loves the over the top acting and action coupled with cheesy cuts and dance routines.
Does she mind he likes to see them as crappy when she enjoys them? No. Not one bit. And he doesn't mind she takes them more seriously than he does. It's the same with his sci-fi movies. She finds them laughable, but enjoys seeing how superficial the characters are while he takes it seriously.
Steward, seriously, is a good husband. A great husband. They are just in a bad patch lately, but it's not entirely his fault.
No, the real problem, both in her professional mind, in her emotional state and in her marriage is that she isn't able to function sexually after work.
That's the crux of the issue. Her mother, who was open about her sex life, never had problems having sex with her father despite relations with some of her clients.
Sure, Osha is much hotter than her mother ever was. She gets her look from her father's genes. His mother to be more clear, but that only means that her clients are more into it than with her mother.
Like Bob, when he offered the threesome, that was seriously out of place. It disgusted her, but at the same time, can she blame him?
She wants people to be more open with their sexuality, so when a sexy Indian girl has sex with you to help you solve your issues, and you enjoy it, she should be happy that they can ask for an encore. She should be flattered that they ask.
Instead, somehow, it disgusts her. It never caused issues to her mother, or her grandmother so she thinks this is something inherited from her father's side. Perhaps his sister, Osha's aunt? She was rather closed-minded and hated Osha's mother with a burning passion.
Perhaps Osha would need to use her techniques on herself? She promised she would do so. But it would take time. Self-healing isn't as good as therapist guided healing, even when the healer/patient is themselves a therapist.
Because the biggest advantage of being a therapist is having an objective viewpoint and the hardest thing to do is to be objective for yourself.
The report doesn't write itself, but almost. She is able to copy and paste from a previous report for the portion about what they could do if they don't go the chastity route. She feels she still needs to give them a way out without going the kink route.
Osha has nothing against kinks. In fact, a large portion of her work is with people with kinks. One of her most frequent type of client is feet fetishists in a relationship with a woman who is disgusted by their affliction but still want the relationship to work.
When she began, she thought it would make it easier to have such a returning type of client but it's one of the trickiest type to handle. Some guys only want to be able to masturbate on the feet of their wives, others want to get a foot job and others need to get their balls crushed by the feet of their wives.
Osha's done it all! Why? Because of the filter problem.
Desire in women is like an iceberg. They usually only express a small portion of their whole internal erotic universe. Osha knows she sometimes fantasizes about being tired up and raped by a stranger. Other times, she dreams of being in a all female orgy, or being at the center of a gang bang. It's the sort of thing that thinking about can help her get off when she actually wants an orgasm.
But would she enjoy any of them? Being tied? Hell no. She was tied a few times by clients, and was scared each time. Granted, she doesn't allow to be gagged since she needs to be able to talk as a therapist, but what still, she knew that in practice, she doesn't like it. Getting raped or having group sex also doesn't appeal to her as a fantasy to actually live in real life.
It still turns her on to think about them, but would be horrified to actually admit to anyone she has them. It's part of her internal universe and not meant to be shared.
Men however, are much more open. They tend to have a smaller internal universe when it comes to fantasies because they put a good 90% of it out there, to be played with. This eliminates many contradictions simply because instead of just daydreaming about them, they lay it on the table to be done.
This creates a huge problem because they can't filter their thoughts! Quite a few guys dreaming of a foot job would keep begging their wives for one and they would hire her. The wife would expect her to just talk him out of it, and he would expect her to convince his wife to do it. Instead, she would do it, once, and let the guy decide if this was more important than his wife.
Most of them ended up being disappointed, but a few drew a line in the sand and even Osha often couldn't salvage the relationship.
But these guys would have been on the fence without her intervention.
Are there women with that problem? Sure! But because of the filter, many women will simply not express what they are not 100% convinced and usually, they hire Osha specifically to get help opening up and finding safe ways to express their desire.
The chastity portion of the report is harder to write, this isn't something she knows a lot but she knows a lot about sex in general so she is able to write something decent.
Tomorrow, she will revise, but for now, it will do. She wonders if she should stay in her office, or face her husband, but she realized she couldn't just hide.
Not only was she still disgusted by her afternoon with Bob and Ellie, but Steward has created a much bigger scene then she anticipated.
Why did she follow her brother to America? Why did she follow in the family tradition? And why did she agree to research the vile subject of male chastity which is at the antipodes of her beliefs? Of her family's beliefs, she corrected herself.
Why did she marry Steward, even thought he couldn't understand what her profession is? Why can't be function sexually like her mother after seeing a client? And why couldn't she be more honest with him about it?
Wait, she is technically a therapist. Perhaps she could use some of her techniques to solve her problems?
Instead of blocking and make an anxiety attack devour her sanity, she decided to open a new Google document, and noted, in Hindi, the top questions.
Why America? Why Career? Why Chastity? Why Steward? Why Blocked? Why dishonest?
Good. She is supposed to prepare the report for Bob, but she can't function without a clear mind and good conscience toward herself.
She knows why she followed her brother. India is becoming once again more radicalized, and her mother is technically from a low clan. For him, it was tragic, he would have little opportunities for networking there. Their father was well-off, rich even, but in a radicalized India is left little place for the kids he had from a wife coming from a lower caste.
When he got married, India was secular, but the old ways were coming back. And both her brother and her wouldn't fit there, just like their parents didn't think they would fit here. They craved their little kingdom, but their kids would have to make it in America.
The family traditions were in a similar vein. Having money was one thing. Being able to create a career for yourself in such a country was another.
Plus, growing up, Osha could see the respect that her mother was getting. She could speak to her grandmother explaining the joy the sacred profession was bringing. Her brother wanted to invest. That was simple. But he was getting finance. He understood the subtleties. He is like their father. She gets people, she understands their subtleties, She is like their mother.
It did bring her joy helping couples. There is no doubt in her mind. And she is good at it. She gets recommended, people are in awe that her profession even exists. They are skeptical at first, but so far, she had no disappointed clients. Her mother taught her well.
And this is why she was researching chastity and not contradicting Bob. He was destined to hit a wall, but at the same time, he wouldn't feel like it.
Overcoming sexual dysfunction is painful. Rewriting your conditioning takes a lot of effort. Bob would have needed to overcome guilt which, in today's society, isn't easy for men to do. Those of the previous generation didn't suffer from this. None of her Gen X or Boomer male clients have guilt. This is new. In older clients, it's the wives who suffer from guilt. But then again, she sees typical male problems in younger woman.
But she aims to please, so of course she would research chastity. It's her job! It's her career to know more about anything sexual, and from the start of the research she was doing, it seems that perhaps chastity is more sexual than she initially thought.
It's about denial, but it's about teasing. About increasing desire in the person in chastity, while increasing orgasms in the keyholder. She could see a few former clients where chastity might have been a shortcut, and she can see herself recommending it to future clients in some very specific situations.
Her initial rejection made sense, but now that she know how versatile it can be, she isn't opposed to it. In fact, she already has in her mind a draft proposal for how Bob could use chastity to help his problems, causing less pain than her usual head first approach.
She can hear Steward pacing in the living room. He is probably playing with his stupid mobile game. She thinks. Often she almost scolds him. "The fights are 100% automated Steward! It is basically a giant loot box system to get you to spend money while making you believe you have agency, but you don't"
But doing so, would just make him stop and spend more time with her. And with more time, would mean more pressure for sex.
She knows why she married him. He is nice, he cooks well, even Indian food like she enjoys and he eats as spicy as she does. He mostly accepts her job, he is funny but mostly, he gave her American citizenship.
Sure, it's more than a fake marriage. Osha loves him and he loves her. They have a surprising number of hobbies in common and not only do they enjoy the same American movies and TV shows, but he loves watching Bollywood movies, even subtitles so he can follow along. She enjoys the taste from home, and he loves the over the top acting and action coupled with cheesy cuts and dance routines.
Does she mind he likes to see them as crappy when she enjoys them? No. Not one bit. And he doesn't mind she takes them more seriously than he does. It's the same with his sci-fi movies. She finds them laughable, but enjoys seeing how superficial the characters are while he takes it seriously.
Steward, seriously, is a good husband. A great husband. They are just in a bad patch lately, but it's not entirely his fault.
No, the real problem, both in her professional mind, in her emotional state and in her marriage is that she isn't able to function sexually after work.
That's the crux of the issue. Her mother, who was open about her sex life, never had problems having sex with her father despite relations with some of her clients.
Sure, Osha is much hotter than her mother ever was. She gets her look from her father's genes. His mother to be more clear, but that only means that her clients are more into it than with her mother.
Like Bob, when he offered the threesome, that was seriously out of place. It disgusted her, but at the same time, can she blame him?
She wants people to be more open with their sexuality, so when a sexy Indian girl has sex with you to help you solve your issues, and you enjoy it, she should be happy that they can ask for an encore. She should be flattered that they ask.
Instead, somehow, it disgusts her. It never caused issues to her mother, or her grandmother so she thinks this is something inherited from her father's side. Perhaps his sister, Osha's aunt? She was rather closed-minded and hated Osha's mother with a burning passion.
Perhaps Osha would need to use her techniques on herself? She promised she would do so. But it would take time. Self-healing isn't as good as therapist guided healing, even when the healer/patient is themselves a therapist.
Because the biggest advantage of being a therapist is having an objective viewpoint and the hardest thing to do is to be objective for yourself.
The report doesn't write itself, but almost. She is able to copy and paste from a previous report for the portion about what they could do if they don't go the chastity route. She feels she still needs to give them a way out without going the kink route.
Osha has nothing against kinks. In fact, a large portion of her work is with people with kinks. One of her most frequent type of client is feet fetishists in a relationship with a woman who is disgusted by their affliction but still want the relationship to work.
When she began, she thought it would make it easier to have such a returning type of client but it's one of the trickiest type to handle. Some guys only want to be able to masturbate on the feet of their wives, others want to get a foot job and others need to get their balls crushed by the feet of their wives.
Osha's done it all! Why? Because of the filter problem.
Desire in women is like an iceberg. They usually only express a small portion of their whole internal erotic universe. Osha knows she sometimes fantasizes about being tired up and raped by a stranger. Other times, she dreams of being in a all female orgy, or being at the center of a gang bang. It's the sort of thing that thinking about can help her get off when she actually wants an orgasm.
But would she enjoy any of them? Being tied? Hell no. She was tied a few times by clients, and was scared each time. Granted, she doesn't allow to be gagged since she needs to be able to talk as a therapist, but what still, she knew that in practice, she doesn't like it. Getting raped or having group sex also doesn't appeal to her as a fantasy to actually live in real life.
It still turns her on to think about them, but would be horrified to actually admit to anyone she has them. It's part of her internal universe and not meant to be shared.
Men however, are much more open. They tend to have a smaller internal universe when it comes to fantasies because they put a good 90% of it out there, to be played with. This eliminates many contradictions simply because instead of just daydreaming about them, they lay it on the table to be done.
This creates a huge problem because they can't filter their thoughts! Quite a few guys dreaming of a foot job would keep begging their wives for one and they would hire her. The wife would expect her to just talk him out of it, and he would expect her to convince his wife to do it. Instead, she would do it, once, and let the guy decide if this was more important than his wife.
Most of them ended up being disappointed, but a few drew a line in the sand and even Osha often couldn't salvage the relationship.
But these guys would have been on the fence without her intervention.
Are there women with that problem? Sure! But because of the filter, many women will simply not express what they are not 100% convinced and usually, they hire Osha specifically to get help opening up and finding safe ways to express their desire.
The chastity portion of the report is harder to write, this isn't something she knows a lot but she knows a lot about sex in general so she is able to write something decent.
Tomorrow, she will revise, but for now, it will do. She wonders if she should stay in her office, or face her husband, but she realized she couldn't just hide.



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Game Two, which occurs a year after game one, features several couples living with chastity either in the confine of their couple, or with some side characters. A few of the couples will even share cross overs
One of the differences between game one is the absence of an intermission. Just click on a step below to read, your progress will be saved (until you close your browser).

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Steven Kessler

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