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College Chastity Choice Game 2

Marina chapter 1: Becoming a Happy Couple
Step #2) Back in session

Tuesday 24th of August 2021 10h00 AM

Marina sits on the little couch. Victoria told her she could lie down on it, but it doesn't feel... proper.

"So, it's been a long time", says Victoria

"And a lot happened", says Marina.

Victoria has her notebook, but as always, she writes in it, but doesn't need to read it. She prepares for her sessions.

"The last time we spoke, things were rocky with Stefan"

"Right. He wasn't very affectionate or present"

"And yet, he claimed I was important to him."

"You also told me that sexuality wasn't satisfying for you", says Victoria

"Indeed. But you explained that you weren't a sexologist"

"Well, I can help, but it's not my specialty, you know?"

"Oh, I do. I mean, I found a solution"

"Wait, you did?", says Victoria, suddenly interested.

"I think we are better than ever, closer, happier"

"Wow, this is a major change. Ok, can you give me a summary", says Victoria

"Sure, so as you know, I don't have a proper model for a relationship", explains Marina

"I remember full well. Your parents barely speak to each other, and they both tried to use you as their outlet for venting about their failed marriage"

"Wow, that is pretty much how I explained it. You'll be a great therapist. Sorry, you are a great therapist"

"No, that's ok. I am still in training. I am being supervised, but this year, I have more latitude"

"Good. Because you'll need an open mind"

"Hey, I told you, I am LGBTQ and kink friendly"

"Oh, we aren't LGBTQ. But I guess we are now technically kinky?"


"Right. Let me go back to the beginning."

"Him not being able to open up emotionally"

"Yeah", says Marina, excited. "He kept saying he loves me but he was emotionally guarded and despite him saying he wanted to have me satisfied sexually, I wasn't."

"I remember you wondering if you were even meant to be together"

"I don't worry anymore", says Marina

"Good. "

"I made a checklist in my mind. I need him to have more energy, more passion, in particular for me, I need him to be more invested in the relationship. I needed a more rewarding relationship. I needed to feel like I was his number one"

"I remember, you kept wondering if he preferred his students"

"Well, technically, he is their assistant coach, not their teacher, but yeah. I did. I don't anymore"

"That is great progress. Marina, I am happy for you. Jealousy can destroy a relationship. I mean, unfounded jealousy"

"Oh, I am not saying it wasn't founded. But I found a way not to worry anymore"

"Good. I told you that I was aware of who your husband was, even if I didn't really know him and the little I know tells me he isn't the type to fool around"

"Oh, if he was, he no longer is", says Marina, laughing.

"So, what did you do?"

"Well, I told you I was googling for a sort of relationship model or something"

"I do recall"

"I found one that piqued my interest"

"Oh, you did?"

"It was well hidden but after searching deep, I found it. In short, it's a new model where the focus is on the pleasure of the women"

"A little like female led relationships?"

"Oh, God no. I saw some of them, and they disgust me. I have zero interest in controlling Stefan. I already manage too many people at work, I don't need the stress of bossing him too. I mean, I technically sign his paycheck already"


"Another administrator handles the teacher and coach paychecks, but ultimately, I send the actual money"

"That would have been a great setup for financial domination"

"Yuck. I don't want to emasculate him, like, at all."

"Good. Keep going"

"So, I think most of the women who read it are sent the link from their husband, which made me nervous. I read the first page, it promises so much. Everything I wanted. Emotional proximity, a sexually rewarding relationship for me, feeling like I was the most valuable woman in his world. No more worry about him cheating on me. Everything, spelled black on white. Well, black on beige"

"That's a tall order", says Victoria

"I know, right? But the second page made a lot of sense. It provided a Dos and Dont's. It notably said not to be afraid to ask for oral sex"

"And you like that?"

"You don't?", replies Marina, worried

"I am not the one in therapy, Marina. My sexuality isn't up for discussion."

"Oh, right. Yeah, I love receiving oral sex. And how did she says it: erotic heat is abundant. I really enjoy that"

"Good. It's important to find happiness"

But Marina laughs.

"The site is called The secret to a happy marriage", she says

"At first glance, it looks like it's delivering", says Victoria

"You have no idea", says Marina. "The third page offered a sort of contract between the couple"

"Now, that is something I believe in. It helps set boundaries and expectations"

"I agree. They proposed two versions, one where the wife isn't sure and the other when she is happy to try"

"You picked the second one, didn't you?"

"I did. We had to adjust it, of course"

"And if I can provide a suggestion?", interrupts Victoria


"Don't be afraid to modify it. You are both in charge of your relationship, not the contact"

"Right. She does recommend to wait 6 months before doing that thought. No, wait, it's before giving up"

"That's wise. It takes time to test things.", says Victoria.

"The fourth page just sounded like fun activities to do, and that drawing at the bottom of one of them? It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen"

"Care to describe it?"

"Huh? Oh, he is sitting on the bed, nude, with his legs open, and his girlfriend is sitting on his thighs, wearing panties and a shirt, looking back with a teasing smile."


"I don't know, I am not doing it justice. The next three pages just provide more details on the solution, and the following three on the accessories"

"Accessories?", says Victoria, confused

"Well, fine. I guess I should come clean", says Marina, taking her necklace out to hold the key she is keeping there.

"Oh, it's all about chastity", says Victoria, understanding.

"Wait, you know about chastity?"

"Of course. I am kink-friendly"

"I thought this just meant that you didn't judge patients who have kinks?"

"Well, yeah, but on one hand, it means I get them most often, so I did have other patients in chastity or whose partner is in chastity. But, I guess I can tell you one thing about me, I am kinky. You won't get details, though"

"Oh, I am not. The only kinky thing is the chastity, and only because of the website"

"And that's fine, Marina"

"In short, the theory is male masturbation creates a barrier in the relationship. I mean, I never thought about it this way and I already thought that him masturbating wasn't a problem. That me accepting it meant I was progressive, but the author suggests living chastity 24/7 so that he cannot masturbate and so that all of his sexual desire are redirected to his wife"

"I've heard that theory"

"Do you agree?", says Marina, worried

"Oh, it's not my place to judge. The question is, does it work for both of you?"

Marina looks at Victoria for a few seconds, thinking.

"Yeah, I think it does. I mean, ok, fine, I didn't blurt out the whole plan at first. I mean, I didn't want to scare him", says Marina

"I can understand that"

"But I told him that my plan, if he agreed to the chastity, was to have sex every night."

"But not him?"

"Right, I didn't tell him that. Well, he would participate", says Marina

"Of course"

"But not with his... you know"

"I get the idea"

"So I explained that the first step was putting it on and getting used to it. That he would have the key, and that the daily sex would only start once he was used to it"

"Smart", says Victoria

"I know, I was proud of that one. Thought if myself. It took 11 days. It almost took 6, but then he realized he had a problem and changed the ring size."

"To smaller?", says Victoria

"Yeah, the lady said that often, smaller is more comfortable. How would have guessed!"

"And after 11 days?", asks Victoria

"He gave me the keys. No questions, no conditions. I had him go down on me for about two hours in excitement"

"But then he wanted out"

"Indeed. So, I laid it out for him. Six months later, we would both decide whether we keep going or not, but until those six months are off, neither can back down. That's from the site"

Victoria nods.

"But I told him that there was an initial lock-up period so that he could get used to it"


"It's from the website, too. And it's... well... 3 months"

"Wait, 3 months?", says Victoria, almost choking.


"How long ago was this?"

"3 months... tomorrow"

"Wait, so he wasn't unlocked at all for a little over 3 months?"

"Right, I didn't think of that. After the change of ring, I didn't unlock him. Poor guy", says Marina, laughing.

"But you had sex every night?"

"I bought a strap-on compatible with chastity, and well, it works. Really well. He also does a lot of oral sex, but I think I prefer the strap on. He does well, wake me up with oral sex, but we finish with the strap on"

"So, you got an orgasm every night, and not him?"

"Every night? You mean 2 or 3 times per day! I am multi orgasmic, so after I climax, if he keeps going, he can make me cum again"

"Good. So, about 270 orgasms to 0?"

"284 to be precise. The site has a tracking sheet. We have fun filling it in"

"Well, it does seem like you are better. Looking forward to tomorrow?"

"That's what I want to talk to you about"

"Are you planning to postpone it?"

"Oh, no, he deserves it. It's the how, I am worried about. I mean, ok, on the site, there are cartoons. I love them. And in most of them, when the guy ejaculates, the girl is all dressed. The site also talks about avoiding penis in vagina sex"

"It does?", says Victoria, raising an eyebrow

"You don't approve?"

"No, I am just surprised. So what are you planning?"

"Well, giving him a hand job, while I am dressed"


"And then, only monthly releases, the same way. Skipping October and November"

"Of course. I did Locktober once", says Victoria, but instantly regretting it.

"With a boyfriend?",

"No, so does he know of your plans?"

"No, that's what I wanted to talk to you about"

"I see. I am listening", says Victoria

"I mean, wait, can I pace in the room?", says Marina

"If it helps you, go for it"

"Thanks", says Marina, standing up. "Ok, so it's clear that the last 3 months or so have been wonderful for us. He's changed, almost overnight. It took a few days, but after he realized I was serious, he took his role seriously. We discussed the objectives and he sort of starts to see that we are closer emotionally"

"That's good", says Victoria

"It is. We are a lot more attuned to our emotions. He gives me back rubs, so many more orgasms, and don't think it's just one way. I pay more attention to him too! I mean, he coaches soccer, it's a job like any other but instead of feeling bored, I actually listened to him and I realize how good he is at his job"

"Wow, that is actually great"

"I know! I didn't expect that. He even admitted last month that he liked how we did sexual things every night, and... ok, I thought he wanted off on my periods, but that night, he decided to go down on me anyway. I was embarrassed, but he didn't mind. When he was done, I had to ask him to wash his face, but he didn't mind"

"You said that twice", says Victoria

"Ok, fine. He says that he is only getting a fraction of what he was getting when unlocked, so now he needs to give me more to feel something? I mean, I guess it makes sense."

"It doesn't have to. It's how he feels"

"Hum. That is wise. Ok, fine, the few times I wasn't feeling like sex, he was so insistent that I ended realizing that I was perhaps in the mood for something. At first, I thought I had to decide how to get an orgasm, I mean, I am the one who locked him and I assumed he would only want release.", says Marina, sort of drifting off.

"It didn't end like that?"

"Fine. He decided to try a rimming. I wouldn't have asked for it, but I think we both like it"


"I mean, that's the thing. I didn't even consider it as something interesting to do, but I ended up liking it"

"Apparently, we are the first generation to enjoy rimming"

"Odd. I wouldn't say it's an eye-opener, but it is nice foreplay. He asks for it, mostly"

"So he still finds sexual interests?"

"But that's the thing. I am about to make him realize that his releases will all be by hand job. I mean, isn't that too harsh? And maximum 9 per year, as per the site"

"She says nine?"

"She says single digit"

"And you don't want penetration in the future?"

"I don't think so. Perhaps it's the site getting to me. She does propose to have sex, I mean, penetration with no orgasms from him, but things are so good between us, and he is so interested in pleasing me, I don't want to ruin this, you know?"

"It might not"

"Bah, why take the chance?", Marina says, laughing. "But how can I tell him that he is never having, well, penis in vagina sex again?"

"Why tell him?"

"Huh?", says Marina, turning back to face Victoria.

"What you are proposing, is called a pussy-free lifestyle, which doesn't strictly require chastity but can pair beautifully with it. If that's what you want right now, and you are afraid to tell him, you have two options, really. First, you come clean and explain to him your whole plan, but so far, without hearing the ending, he sort of went along with it. Perhaps you can keep going and see if he pieces it out"

"What if he asks when he will next, well, you know"

"You can be honest, or you can play to his imagination and say it's not decided yet, or that you want to keep the mystery alive"

"I like that last one because it is decided, and I prefer to be honest"

"For real?"

"I am never having penetrative sex again in my entire life. That ship has sailed for good"

"Really?", says Victoria

"I mean, it's less mess, isn't it? I hate having sperm in my pussy. I just, can't stand it. But a condom is well, cold. I prefer bareback, but I don't want my pussy to leak the next day"

"I see"

"I don't know."

"Did I help you? I feel like I haven't been able to clarify many things"

"I think you did. I can't voice this out with him, you know? I need to look confident in front of him."

"You don't need to. You can be vulnerable"

"No, I can't. If I do, I will unlock him, we'll return to our previous life, and I will feel bored and lonely. I have to stay strong"

"You can show that you are vulnerable in your talk, but remain strong in your actions", says Victoria

"Wait, tell him that I sometimes doubt this is the right solution, but still insist on seeing it through?"

"Yeah. Or not. But if you want emotional honesty, it might get you closer"

"I'll think about it"

"Sadly, it is the end of the session. See you in 2 days?"

"After the release! I'll tell you all about it"

"Looking forward to it", says Victoria, smiling.






Continue the current story above, or check out another below

Game Two, which occurs a year after game one, features several couples living with chastity either in the confine of their couple, or with some side characters. A few of the couples will even share cross overs

One of the differences between game one is the absence of an intermission. Just click on a step below to read, your progress will be saved (until you close your browser).


Daphne and Justin define their marriage

1) Daphne wants more

Tuesday 31st of August 2021 05h30 PM



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This can either be because you reached the end of the available content, or because the next step is a cross-over requiring to play another character


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Layla and Elliot spice up their relationship

1) Driving back home

Sunday 22nd of August 2021 09h00 AM


Luna Kessler

Steven Kessler

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