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College Chastity Choice Game 2

Layla chapter 1: Layla and Elliot spice up their relationship
Step #1) Driving back home

Sunday 22nd of August 2021 09h00 AM

Elliot feels like he is the luckiest man in the world.

Sure, he didn't get any attention in high school and being part of the marching band didn't help, not one bit, but that was high school.

In college, he didn't get much more luck but he did meet Layla.

For him, it was love at first sight. A gal who talked like him, enjoys road trips and camping, a lady who can pig out on hot dogs? And who is hot too?

Wow, what's not to love about Layla?

But the cherry on top, was her passion for writing.

See, Elliot is passionate about music. He's been writing songs since grade school and if only he had written a sort of hit, perhaps girls would have paid attention to him.

But they sucked. Not to him, but they did nonetheless. Each of each one of them. Elliot, plainly said, is bland.

Oh, he is nice and friendly to everyone but that's the thing. Elliot gets along with everyone, and everyone gets along with him.

He doesn't have the angst of emos, the rebellion of rockers or the emotional depth of pop singers.

He's that friend that is always there for you, but seems to live a paint by the number life.

So, Elliot went into music in the hope of being a composer, but when the teachers taught him to write what he knows, he realized that he didn't even know enough about life to write Country music.


What he had, however, was an uncanny talent to bring the best out of his colleagues. He would push them to succeed, inspire them to write epic songs and show them how to improve their techniques.

Layla is the one who told him what to do: become a music teacher!

Elliot had thought of it, but he wanted to avoid giving private lessons or be a washed out artist teaching in high school or worse, in grade school!

The answer came from Shallow Bay College. This university in Florida had trouble recruiting a university teacher to revamp their music department and they felt that he was perfect for the job.

Ok, Layla had been the catalyst for that too.

Sweet Layla. Who was bland too, but definitely not on purpose and unlike Elliot, she knew she was bland and uninteresting.

The thing is, she didn't have much luck either in high school. Shy, reclusive, Layla was a strong introvert who only managed to get out of her shell while going camping with her parents.

Stuck in her mind most of the time, she was unable to truly be herself. Sure, her acne was horrible, but that was gone now, thanks to medication.

It left a mark, not on her skin, but in her mind, in her soul.

Layla arrived in college with a serious massive lack of self-confidence, but when she met Elliot, everything clicked.

Elliot was one of those guys with excess confidence. Not only more than enough for him, but more than enough for both of them.

Layla had known many guys like that, but not like Elliot.

Overconfidence, she realized, could stem from two main causes: incompetence or narcissism, but Elliot was neither, which puzzled Layla.

For weeks, she thought he was a player, that his extra confidence was a front put up to seduce her. Only, it became clear he wasn't? Sure, he liked her all right, but he wasn't making moves. He was almost perpetually stuck in the pre-seduction phase.

You know, when a guy tries to show himself to be interesting while being so interested in the girl he is courting, just before he makes his move?

Well, Elliot's move was never coming, and wouldn't have come if Layla hadn't made that first move, inviting him over to see a movie. She felt he had apparently been stuck in a friend-zone of his own making.

Then, for months, she thought he was incompetent. His songs sucked and it was clear to him that he was on the verge of failing most of his classes.

Layla almost left him a few times, but she thought: "At worst, he'll be a college boyfriend". Plus, he made her feel good and he genuinely seemed to love her.

It's only in their second year that it dawned on her. He is an extrovert, the opposite of her. He is confident not because he trusts his own abilities, but because he surrounds himself with superficial friends who help him, and whom he helps.

She realized that he is a team player. Worthless alone, a star in a good team and Layla realized that together, they were the best team.

Layla herself helped him pass his literature classes, while he helped numerous of his colleagues with their musical instruments. He was always there for her, even if he couldn't help with the classes, he would make flash cards of her subjects and quiz her to make sure she got it right.

When that clicked, Layla knew she had found the one and they got married in their senior year of college.

Was it early? Hell yeah. Everyone said so, but the best Layla was, was with Elliot. Even today, as she is driving down from Louisiana while Elliot sleeps at the back of their camper truck, there is no doubt in her mind that Elliot was the best husband she could have.







Layla and Elliot spice up their relationship

2) Layla unable to sleep

Sunday 22nd of August 2021 10h00 PM


Continue the current story above, or check out another below

Game Two, which occurs a year after game one, features several couples living with chastity either in the confine of their couple, or with some side characters. A few of the couples will even share cross overs

One of the differences between game one is the absence of an intermission. Just click on a step below to read, your progress will be saved (until you close your browser).


Daphne and Justin define their marriage

1) Daphne wants more

Tuesday 31st of August 2021 05h30 PM



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Layla and Elliot spice up their relationship

2) Layla unable to sleep

Sunday 22nd of August 2021 10h00 PM


Luna Kessler

Steven Kessler

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