College Chastity Choice Game 2
Greta chapter 1: Greta finds Nina
Step #1) An evening with Cody
Sunday 29th of August 2021 07h00 PM
I lay in my bathtub and think about what Cody told me. I knew it was coming. Of course, I did.
Filled with regrets, when he popped the question, I just said yes without thinking the implications and excused myself to take a bath.
What do I do? I can't hide for my husband forever!
I sigh. Of course, he asked for it. He has a good job, in fact, I have a good job too. We both have insurance. I even have a clause in my employment contract giving some time off, which is rare in the USA. I mean, even Canada gets about a year off. Canada, It's not even that fact away! Well, from here sure, but it's the next country to the North.
But do I really want to?
I sigh again. Not to anyone in particular, since I can hear Cody moving in the house. Right, we even have a house, which isn't surprising as this town is a shithole.
Seriously, the only things that this town has are a college and not one but three naturist resorts! It's ridiculous.
I didn't study at that college and have no interest in naturism in itself, even Cody and I went to the Oasis clothing optional resort a few times.
I am in this forsaken town only because I got transferred and found Cody in a bar and hit it off.
Now, I had no plans to marry him or stay in this shithole state but I did and I now have no plan to move away.
I mean, this is the state that got us Bush! They couldn't get their act together and show that Gore won, so they stopped the count while everything was screwed up and we ended up invading two countries.
Sure, Afghanistan allowed 911, but Iraq had nothing to do with it.
Fuck. I am rambling in my mind. I can't stay on focus.
I look at my body in the bathtub. Would I mind it changing? No. That's not the issue. I even managed to get nude the last two, no wait, three times we went to Oasis.
For Cody, it was easy and simple. Everyone else was nude, so he undressed. It took me some time to get used to it. I am not a naturist!
So, why did we go? Well, they are almost next door, we can go there by walking and in fact, with the stupid non-walkable city we live in, if we need some milk or sugar, their little convenience store is the fastest solution. They aren't even more expensive than the one 3 minutes away by car!
We just need to accept that the cashier will be nude, and probably the other clients. Heck, the resort owner saw that we are almost neighbors and lets us visit for free if we aren't using the spa facilities so show she is a good neighbor. She even invited us for supper at her house, not that we would actually go.
I like a spa, and I like that there is one near my house, but please, being nude while in a hot tub or a cold pool is one thing, eating supper with your nude almost neighbor is another.
And yet, despite my first hesitations about my body, I realized by going there that it didn't matter. I mean, most of the residents, yes, there are people living there, are ugly. Even the owner, I mean... I am certain that one day she was hotter, but aging didn't help her. I would have thought that looking like she did, she would have covered her body, but she still wears it proudly and I learned to respect that. Not enough to sit down and share a meal with her, but enough to idly chat with her when we visit, even if only for a box of sugar.
I am again avoiding the subject.
Likewise, I wouldn't mind the morning sickness. What's up with women who want a child, but aren't willing to pay the price? Everyone should know what they are getting into.
It's nine months that can be hell, but maybe not, and you get a child, or two in rare cases, out of it. And you are on the hook for at least 18 years of raising that child.
I mean, those 18 years are more scary for me, but on the other hand, it's why I want a child in the first place. To give them their first day in school, with their tiny backpack. To put a band-aid on their knee when they fall. And to be there when they have their first hearth break and to make them a cup of cocoa when they are feeling blue.
I mean, I know that we wouldn't be able to go to the spa as easily, it's for adults only and would need a babysitter. Sure, Cody's parents are in town, he is from this shithole town and I prefer not to think about why.
Mine however, are not and most of my friends are the wives of Cody's work colleagues, not because I don't get along with my colleagues but because I am a manager and need some personal distance with the engineers I supervise. It's that simple.
Cody's workplace is almost a family. I mean, Bob and Ellie invited us to eat at their house after Cody accepted the job offer. How crazy is that? And Nina and Amar soon did the same, so that Amar and Cody could get a "good understanding" between the head of marketing and the new electronic technician.
I should have known it would make Cody work extra hours but I don't mind. Bob pays for overtime, Cody is happy and I made two good friends in Nina and Ellie, except, neither are exactly baby sitting types. Ok, maybe Ellie but she is mostly busy having sex with Nina these days.
I haven't told Cody. Imagine the trouble it could cause at his job? The CEO's wife and the VP of Marketing's wife are cheating on their husband for each other?
Darn, I am avoiding the subject again.
I want kids. Lots of them. Cody wants kids. Lots of them. We both have jobs which can help us support kids, so why I am hesitant?
Because of how Cody's family came to America, because of why Cody works for Logys, because of why I was picked to manage the office I manage. Because of why the Oasis resort decided to let us visit for free.
Hell, Because of how our country is fucked up.
Why was the first police force founded? To catch runaway slaves. Why is there an electoral college? To count slaves as people without giving them the right to vote. I mean, slavery was banned only 89 years after the USA was founded!
And I am progressive, I mean, I agreed to marry an African American, didn't I? And I love him, that's not the problem.
That the big house a few blocks away, the one we have to go in front of to get downtown is the manor of the family that owned my husband's ancestors is what gives me pause.
Now, that's in the past, he would tell me, but here is the thing. That family no longer owns my husband's family, but they still own the manor that was financed by their slave operations.
Instead of paying a wage for the work made by Cody's ancestors, they spent it on that house and built the city on their former plantation.
Oasis, the clothing optional spa? They bought their land from that family. The promoter who built our house? He bought it from them. In fact, it's quite possible that Cody's ancestor was whipped and beaten on the plot of land we now own.
Isn't that fucked up?
Fuck, two streets from here was a field. Now, it's houses. On that field is a tree, and on that tree, one of Cody's great uncles was lynched by the KKK under the supervision of their local wizard, whom, you guessed it, is the grandfather of the current owner of the manor. Worse, he was the grandkid of the last slave owner in town. He didn't know slavery himself but he grew up with his grandfather who did. How fucked up is that?
The tree was cut and houses were built. In fact, no one memorized or noted where the tree was for obvious reasons, but that area now has people living in that former field, including Nina and Amar.
And no one cares? I mean, even Cody and his family don't seem to and it baffles my mind!
Cody tells me stories of his childhood at his school, and I compare to the stories from other people I know who grew up in this town and I can see the difference.
My in laws are in the east side of the town. The poor side, with the little houses and the decrepit schools. We are somewhat in the middle, near the west side.
As you drive from the East to the West and the coast, houses get bigger. Schools get nicer. Streets get cleaner. And where is the college? West of the town. Where is the small trade community college with diplomas who aren't worth much? East of the town.
But as you drive East to West, you also notice something else. A change in skin tone. The town is darker on the East end, with 68% of the residents African American and 17% Latino American. If you add 7% of foreign born residents, that leaves only 8% of white residents for that school district.
Because of course, the town, despite being a shithole, has two school districts which both do cover other towns, that's the worst of it!
The one on the west end covers about 15 coastal towns and villages, while the one for the East end is a big one covering the interior part of the county and the next county.
All of the other towns and villages are fully enclosed in one of the two school districts but ours. And this, is not by chance. It's all planned by the KKK which tried to prevent people like my husband from living nearer to the coast.
The west half of the town uses to have less than 2% of African American but now it's closer to 22%. If you compare to the 68% on the East end, you can clearly see the divide.
I mean, 17% are Asian, and 12% Russian. Both of these Ethnicities are later arrivals and together, they outnumber the African American population which was working the cotton plantation where their houses are right now.
Am I the only one seeing this?
It makes sense. The land East of the plantation was available, and a new village was built for the former slaves to have their own mayor and rules. This was logical. It made sense.
But when it got merged with the west end, now built as a city, it never got fully integrated.
The mass transit network has the same density around the city, but the East end has congested buses and the West end is mostly used by students. How fair is that?
Per student spending on schools on the East end school distract is half that of the west end. How fair is that?
There are more police stations in the East, but we all know that this is also a problem. In fact, a lot of the crime in town is brought by the Russians not the African Americans. Almost no Crips or Bloods in town and the few that claim those colors actually work for the Russian mafia.
I know, I often have to pay Chloe, their matriarch money to ease project and prevent issues. She is understanding at least.
So, in the end, so I want kids? Hell yeah. Do I want Cody to raise them? He will make an incredible father, with patience, gentleness and kindness pouring out of his soul.
But do I want bi-racial kids? Hell no. No way in hell. I am not letting my kids, suffer from the systemic racism that is in the very fabric of this town, of this county, of this state... of this country.
And now, I have to find a way to tell Cody.
But not tonight. I can just tell him that I have a headache.
I get out of the bathtub, dry myself, put my pajama on, brush my teeth and find him at his desk in the bedroom. He is working on a schematic, in his boxers.
"Working again?", I tell him, with no judgement. I fully support his efforts. It's how you get ahead.
"Actually no! I am working on that washing machine and drier detector", he says
"Huh?", I say
"I knew you weren't fully paying attention. Often, we start the washing machine but forget the wet clothes in them"
"I wouldn't say often. Perhaps sometimes, but not often"
"Fair enough. And I know why. I don't blame you, I blame myself"
"Hey, you can just ask if I have a load in progress before we get sexy.", I tell him.
"I know, but then I am blown away by how sexy you are", he says, pulling me on his lap. I like that. I respond well to his body.
"So what will your device do?"
"It's a sensor for a Raspberry Pi. It detects that the dryer or washer were started and finished"
"So you need two of them?"
"Yeah. But the Pi has more than one port."
"And how will we know?"
"Ah, that's simple. It will notify our phones. I found an app that can hook to it. I just need to find an iPhone version"
"Why? We both have Android phones"
"Nina has an iPhone"
"What has Nina got to do with it?", I ask him.
"Oh, I am actually making 6 sensors. Bob and Amar want them too and are financing the parts. I am not paid If I am working on them at home, but they let me work on it at work"
"That's nice of them"
"Yeah. So, ready for bed?"
"Yeah, but I have to warn you, I have a splitting headache"
"Oh no. Want two Advil?", he offers
"Already took them", I lied, "but it will take some time. Can we just go do bed tonight?", I say, feigning pain.
"Hey, I am all about consent, babe. Is there anything I can do to help?", he says, hugging me.
"Hold me tight while we fall asleep"
"Can do!"
And so, full of guilt, I fall asleep in his arms.
Filled with regrets, when he popped the question, I just said yes without thinking the implications and excused myself to take a bath.
What do I do? I can't hide for my husband forever!
I sigh. Of course, he asked for it. He has a good job, in fact, I have a good job too. We both have insurance. I even have a clause in my employment contract giving some time off, which is rare in the USA. I mean, even Canada gets about a year off. Canada, It's not even that fact away! Well, from here sure, but it's the next country to the North.
But do I really want to?
I sigh again. Not to anyone in particular, since I can hear Cody moving in the house. Right, we even have a house, which isn't surprising as this town is a shithole.
Seriously, the only things that this town has are a college and not one but three naturist resorts! It's ridiculous.
I didn't study at that college and have no interest in naturism in itself, even Cody and I went to the Oasis clothing optional resort a few times.
I am in this forsaken town only because I got transferred and found Cody in a bar and hit it off.
Now, I had no plans to marry him or stay in this shithole state but I did and I now have no plan to move away.
I mean, this is the state that got us Bush! They couldn't get their act together and show that Gore won, so they stopped the count while everything was screwed up and we ended up invading two countries.
Sure, Afghanistan allowed 911, but Iraq had nothing to do with it.
Fuck. I am rambling in my mind. I can't stay on focus.
I look at my body in the bathtub. Would I mind it changing? No. That's not the issue. I even managed to get nude the last two, no wait, three times we went to Oasis.
For Cody, it was easy and simple. Everyone else was nude, so he undressed. It took me some time to get used to it. I am not a naturist!
So, why did we go? Well, they are almost next door, we can go there by walking and in fact, with the stupid non-walkable city we live in, if we need some milk or sugar, their little convenience store is the fastest solution. They aren't even more expensive than the one 3 minutes away by car!
We just need to accept that the cashier will be nude, and probably the other clients. Heck, the resort owner saw that we are almost neighbors and lets us visit for free if we aren't using the spa facilities so show she is a good neighbor. She even invited us for supper at her house, not that we would actually go.
I like a spa, and I like that there is one near my house, but please, being nude while in a hot tub or a cold pool is one thing, eating supper with your nude almost neighbor is another.
And yet, despite my first hesitations about my body, I realized by going there that it didn't matter. I mean, most of the residents, yes, there are people living there, are ugly. Even the owner, I mean... I am certain that one day she was hotter, but aging didn't help her. I would have thought that looking like she did, she would have covered her body, but she still wears it proudly and I learned to respect that. Not enough to sit down and share a meal with her, but enough to idly chat with her when we visit, even if only for a box of sugar.
I am again avoiding the subject.
Likewise, I wouldn't mind the morning sickness. What's up with women who want a child, but aren't willing to pay the price? Everyone should know what they are getting into.
It's nine months that can be hell, but maybe not, and you get a child, or two in rare cases, out of it. And you are on the hook for at least 18 years of raising that child.
I mean, those 18 years are more scary for me, but on the other hand, it's why I want a child in the first place. To give them their first day in school, with their tiny backpack. To put a band-aid on their knee when they fall. And to be there when they have their first hearth break and to make them a cup of cocoa when they are feeling blue.
I mean, I know that we wouldn't be able to go to the spa as easily, it's for adults only and would need a babysitter. Sure, Cody's parents are in town, he is from this shithole town and I prefer not to think about why.
Mine however, are not and most of my friends are the wives of Cody's work colleagues, not because I don't get along with my colleagues but because I am a manager and need some personal distance with the engineers I supervise. It's that simple.
Cody's workplace is almost a family. I mean, Bob and Ellie invited us to eat at their house after Cody accepted the job offer. How crazy is that? And Nina and Amar soon did the same, so that Amar and Cody could get a "good understanding" between the head of marketing and the new electronic technician.
I should have known it would make Cody work extra hours but I don't mind. Bob pays for overtime, Cody is happy and I made two good friends in Nina and Ellie, except, neither are exactly baby sitting types. Ok, maybe Ellie but she is mostly busy having sex with Nina these days.
I haven't told Cody. Imagine the trouble it could cause at his job? The CEO's wife and the VP of Marketing's wife are cheating on their husband for each other?
Darn, I am avoiding the subject again.
I want kids. Lots of them. Cody wants kids. Lots of them. We both have jobs which can help us support kids, so why I am hesitant?
Because of how Cody's family came to America, because of why Cody works for Logys, because of why I was picked to manage the office I manage. Because of why the Oasis resort decided to let us visit for free.
Hell, Because of how our country is fucked up.
Why was the first police force founded? To catch runaway slaves. Why is there an electoral college? To count slaves as people without giving them the right to vote. I mean, slavery was banned only 89 years after the USA was founded!
And I am progressive, I mean, I agreed to marry an African American, didn't I? And I love him, that's not the problem.
That the big house a few blocks away, the one we have to go in front of to get downtown is the manor of the family that owned my husband's ancestors is what gives me pause.
Now, that's in the past, he would tell me, but here is the thing. That family no longer owns my husband's family, but they still own the manor that was financed by their slave operations.
Instead of paying a wage for the work made by Cody's ancestors, they spent it on that house and built the city on their former plantation.
Oasis, the clothing optional spa? They bought their land from that family. The promoter who built our house? He bought it from them. In fact, it's quite possible that Cody's ancestor was whipped and beaten on the plot of land we now own.
Isn't that fucked up?
Fuck, two streets from here was a field. Now, it's houses. On that field is a tree, and on that tree, one of Cody's great uncles was lynched by the KKK under the supervision of their local wizard, whom, you guessed it, is the grandfather of the current owner of the manor. Worse, he was the grandkid of the last slave owner in town. He didn't know slavery himself but he grew up with his grandfather who did. How fucked up is that?
The tree was cut and houses were built. In fact, no one memorized or noted where the tree was for obvious reasons, but that area now has people living in that former field, including Nina and Amar.
And no one cares? I mean, even Cody and his family don't seem to and it baffles my mind!
Cody tells me stories of his childhood at his school, and I compare to the stories from other people I know who grew up in this town and I can see the difference.
My in laws are in the east side of the town. The poor side, with the little houses and the decrepit schools. We are somewhat in the middle, near the west side.
As you drive from the East to the West and the coast, houses get bigger. Schools get nicer. Streets get cleaner. And where is the college? West of the town. Where is the small trade community college with diplomas who aren't worth much? East of the town.
But as you drive East to West, you also notice something else. A change in skin tone. The town is darker on the East end, with 68% of the residents African American and 17% Latino American. If you add 7% of foreign born residents, that leaves only 8% of white residents for that school district.
Because of course, the town, despite being a shithole, has two school districts which both do cover other towns, that's the worst of it!
The one on the west end covers about 15 coastal towns and villages, while the one for the East end is a big one covering the interior part of the county and the next county.
All of the other towns and villages are fully enclosed in one of the two school districts but ours. And this, is not by chance. It's all planned by the KKK which tried to prevent people like my husband from living nearer to the coast.
The west half of the town uses to have less than 2% of African American but now it's closer to 22%. If you compare to the 68% on the East end, you can clearly see the divide.
I mean, 17% are Asian, and 12% Russian. Both of these Ethnicities are later arrivals and together, they outnumber the African American population which was working the cotton plantation where their houses are right now.
Am I the only one seeing this?
It makes sense. The land East of the plantation was available, and a new village was built for the former slaves to have their own mayor and rules. This was logical. It made sense.
But when it got merged with the west end, now built as a city, it never got fully integrated.
The mass transit network has the same density around the city, but the East end has congested buses and the West end is mostly used by students. How fair is that?
Per student spending on schools on the East end school distract is half that of the west end. How fair is that?
There are more police stations in the East, but we all know that this is also a problem. In fact, a lot of the crime in town is brought by the Russians not the African Americans. Almost no Crips or Bloods in town and the few that claim those colors actually work for the Russian mafia.
I know, I often have to pay Chloe, their matriarch money to ease project and prevent issues. She is understanding at least.
So, in the end, so I want kids? Hell yeah. Do I want Cody to raise them? He will make an incredible father, with patience, gentleness and kindness pouring out of his soul.
But do I want bi-racial kids? Hell no. No way in hell. I am not letting my kids, suffer from the systemic racism that is in the very fabric of this town, of this county, of this state... of this country.
And now, I have to find a way to tell Cody.
But not tonight. I can just tell him that I have a headache.
I get out of the bathtub, dry myself, put my pajama on, brush my teeth and find him at his desk in the bedroom. He is working on a schematic, in his boxers.
"Working again?", I tell him, with no judgement. I fully support his efforts. It's how you get ahead.
"Actually no! I am working on that washing machine and drier detector", he says
"Huh?", I say
"I knew you weren't fully paying attention. Often, we start the washing machine but forget the wet clothes in them"
"I wouldn't say often. Perhaps sometimes, but not often"
"Fair enough. And I know why. I don't blame you, I blame myself"
"Hey, you can just ask if I have a load in progress before we get sexy.", I tell him.
"I know, but then I am blown away by how sexy you are", he says, pulling me on his lap. I like that. I respond well to his body.
"So what will your device do?"
"It's a sensor for a Raspberry Pi. It detects that the dryer or washer were started and finished"
"So you need two of them?"
"Yeah. But the Pi has more than one port."
"And how will we know?"
"Ah, that's simple. It will notify our phones. I found an app that can hook to it. I just need to find an iPhone version"
"Why? We both have Android phones"
"Nina has an iPhone"
"What has Nina got to do with it?", I ask him.
"Oh, I am actually making 6 sensors. Bob and Amar want them too and are financing the parts. I am not paid If I am working on them at home, but they let me work on it at work"
"That's nice of them"
"Yeah. So, ready for bed?"
"Yeah, but I have to warn you, I have a splitting headache"
"Oh no. Want two Advil?", he offers
"Already took them", I lied, "but it will take some time. Can we just go do bed tonight?", I say, feigning pain.
"Hey, I am all about consent, babe. Is there anything I can do to help?", he says, hugging me.
"Hold me tight while we fall asleep"
"Can do!"
And so, full of guilt, I fall asleep in his arms.
Point of view Character



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Game Two, which occurs a year after game one, features several couples living with chastity either in the confine of their couple, or with some side characters. A few of the couples will even share cross overs
One of the differences between game one is the absence of an intermission. Just click on a step below to read, your progress will be saved (until you close your browser).

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Steven Kessler

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