College Chastity Choice Game 2
Ellie chapter 1: Ellie gets impatient
Step #1) Waiting for Bob to get home
Saturday 21st of August 2021 05h00 PM
Sure, Ellie went to the restroom to pee, but even in this mansion, the guest bedroom has its own bathroom.
Say what you will about Bob, he made a lot of money and managed to pay for a huge house which both Ellie and Bob loves.
That, is what frustrated Ellie.
Bob is the perfect husband. Respectful, makes a lot of money, follows his wife's ideas on style, on chores, on social events.
He even listens to her where she interacts with his company such as for the organization of the annual Christmas party as well as for any social events where she attends.
The problem is sex.
Ellie wouldn't even mind if he told her he was gay and using her as a beard. At least, she would know!
But right now, she is in the dark.
She's tried lingerie, making the first steps, sexy talk, nothing seems to work. Well, not reliably that is.
They do have sex... sometimes, but it's far from being consistent.
For example, two weeks ago, Bob came back early that Saturday morning which caught Ellie surprised. She was changing into a sexy pair of underwear for Nina when he walked into the home.
Wearing only her bottom, she ran to him and jumped in his arms, kissing him.
Shocked, he reciprocated and they made love on the living room rug, for over an hour, during which Ellie came three times before Bob did.
It was magical for Ellie who remained cuddled, naked, next to her equally nude husband for another hour during which they talked.
It was superficial, but good. A new product line is in progress and a new designer is going to make work go faster.
But that was two weeks ago! Since then, the only times their bedroom wasn't dead was when Ellie masturbated. After all, the times she had sex with Nina was in the guest bedroom which Bob never goes into.
Today however, he will, as she is not stepping out of bed without a talk.
Two hours. That's how long she had to wait. That means that on the Saturday she wanted to confront him about sex was also the Saturday he worked the longest.
Ellie didn't mind it, usually, but today, she wanted to have that talk and, well, it was almost time for starting to think about supper.
Oh, well, we can always order in. Bob loves sushi, so he wouldn't be too complex to convince, not with the amount of money they have in the bank.
Still, with her car in the driveway, Bob began calling her when he couldn't find her, so Ellie had to call him over.
"Oh, hey", he says, a little awkward at seeing her nude, on the bed.
"Wow, today was complex"
"Tell me about it", he says, going next to her, and kissing her.
"That's why I am asking"
"Oh, right. Sorry. Cody was stuck and I had to help him"
"Wait, Cody was working today?", Ellie replied, shocked
"He is working on a prototype and wanted the quiet of the office to try and debug issues, and well, I preferred not to abandon him."
"That's nice of you", says Ellie, happy that her husband is properly handling his employees. It's one thing that worried her when he decided to open his own company, as all the of the bosses she knew were jerks.
But Bob seems to really care.
"He mostly got it right, but I sent him home. I mean, he kept telling me that Greta was away, but I don't like it when my employees encroach on their personal time with work"
"Plus, you don't have the quiet office to do management tasks"
"Indeed. I did do most of the accounting before he arrived. The rest can wait, but I will need tomorrow to adjust the planning."
"You are going back tomorrow?", replies Ellie, who wonders if she would have enough time to get Nina over for sex...
"No, I can do it from home."
Ellie feels conflicted. She should be happy that husband is home.
It's on that thought that she changes the subject.
"Bob, can we talk?"
"Oh, oh, I am in trouble?", he says, joking
"Yes", replies a serious Ellie
"Oh, wait, I am? Shit, what did I do?", he asks, nervously
"It's what you didn't do that worries me", Ellie says
"Wait, did I forget our anniversary? No, that's in March"
"No, you never do. Bob, I have to tell you, on so many aspects, you are the perfect husband"
"Good. I was worried you'd want a divorce or something", he says, relieved
"Why would you be? You are sensitive, you work hard, you take good care of me."
"I feel a but coming"
"But you don't fuck me. Why is that Bob?"
He instantly tenses up.
"Is that why...", he says, pointing to her.
"No, but it's why I didn't get dressed back. I was hoping you would jump on me, like you did two weeks ago"
"Shit", he says, ashamed.
"Do you regret that day?"
"No, not at all! I do regret not doing it since, however"
"Wait, you want to have sex with me?", says a confused Ellie
"Of course! You are the hottest woman I know"
But Ellie laughs. "Please, Nina and Greta are wait hotter than I am"
But Bob replies. "You are the hottest woman I know"
Which makes Ellie confused a little, but he seems sincere. "So what's wrong?", she replies.
He stands from the bed. "I don't know! Honestly, I have some ideas, but I am not ready to talk about them yet. In short, I feel like it just slips through my fingers"
"What does?", says a confused Ellie
"I don't understand"
"Like, I come in the guest bedroom, find you naked, for a second, I thought of just jumping on you and fucking you without even asking, but then, I also want to talk to you about my day and the moment passes"
"Wait, are you kidding me?", says Ellie, laughing
"No, It's true", he says, confused.
"Are you saying that our good relationship gets in the way of our sex life?"
Bob looks at her, dumbfounded.
"Then you suck Bob. Don't talk to me about work again. And don't you dare work again this weekend, or you'll need to make it up to me", plays along Ellie
"Ah, ah", Bob says, seeing through Ellie's bluff.
She opens her arms to get him to cuddle with her. He hesitates, trying to figure out if she wants to offer support for his declaration, or sex, which is far from his mind at this moment of vulnerability.
Seeing his hesitation. "Just a cuddle to help you open up"
He nods and joins her in the bed. A bed he bought and never used. Odd.
She grabs him in her arms, so that they spoon, with her as the big spoon.
They remain silent for a few minutes. Ellie is calm and quiet, but Bob's mind is spinning.
What is he supposed to do? It's clear that if he can't find the way to please Ellie sexually, she'll run away.
It's not his fault, really. He has a lot on his mind.
Time goes by, so Ellie asks. "If you don't have anything to say, I might have something to say to break the ice"
"Oh, God, Please, yes. You always have the right thing to say", says a relieved Bob.
"No, it's not the right thing. It might actually hurt. Sorry, but it's like a bandage. It has to be ripped off someday"
"Oh yeah."
"So, you don't have anything to say?"
"Other than basic platitudes, no"
"Well, do any of those platitudes feel interesting?", says Ellie
"Not really. I do work a lot. I am more tired than when we were college students. I am often caught up in my ideas"
"Bob, your sex drive was barely higher in college", says his wife
"Right. I have theories", he says
"Ready to share?"
He blushes. No, he doesn't want to, but he is thinking it over. Often.
"Fine", she says. "I'll share then, but please, don't be angry"
"Why would I be angry? I might be a flawed husband, but you are pretty much the perfect wife. You are hot, nice, understanding and even if I make a ton of money, you kept your day job so that I don't have to worry about you being bored"
"Well, that's the thing, I still get bored", she says
"Sorry", says a sad Bob.
"But I found ways around it"
"I've been taking care of my sexual needs on my own, since I can't count on you"
This stings, but Bob sort of understood that Ellie was masturbating. He decides to come clean.
"I masturbate too, sometimes.", he says
"Wait, you do? But you don't have sex with me?", she says, very insulted
"It's not an or thing. It's more complicated than that"
"Well, enlighten me then because it hurts knowing you masturbate on your own, but don't have sex with me"
"You masturbate too!", says Bob defensively
"But I am not the one rejecting you! I would gladly have sex with you, every day. Even multiple times per day"
"Really?", Bob says. Wow, this is more serious than he thought. He is really letting her down.
"And Bob, I am not just masturbating. I am having sex behind your back too", which makes Bob try to pull apart, but she holds him down.
"Oh no, you are not pulling away. If you are not going to satisfy my sexual needs, I am going to find someone else to fulfill them, even if all they can do is please me sexually"
"So you are not leaving me?"
"Hell no, Bob. I do love you. I am not cheating on you, to cheat on you would require us to have an actual sexual life to cheat upon. All I have is moments where, once in a blue moon, you make love to me, and then, leave me weeks alone for my pussy to dry up."
"You are right. Sorry, Ellie. You are. So, do I know him?", asks a worried Bob.
"You do know her"
"Wait, her?", says a surprised Bob.
"Yeah, I am bisexual, Bob. I told you, when we began dating. You knew I had a girlfriend in high school. We even talked about having a threesome, but well, we never did"
"Perhaps we could now that you have someone", Bob says
"You are not angry at me?"
"I told you when we began dating that I didn't mind you having sex with women, or dating one"
"Well, dating is a little far. I don't think I could actually date two people, and outside of sexuality, Bob, you are perfect for me, which makes this all the more frustrating"
"I guess.", Bob says
"But a threesome is out of the question", she had.
"Because I know her?"
"Well, yeah. And even if you didn't, she would never go along with it. I don't think so"
"When do you see her?"
"She came over this afternoon. We had sex, and I haven't moved away from bed since we fucked."
"You had sex here?"
"That's what I use the guest bedroom for"
"Are you sure you aren't angry at me?"
"Oh, I am angry all right, but at me. For failing you, so you had to find sexuality in the arms of someone else"
"To be fair, her husband is having sex with her all the time and we still have sex. I doubt that even if we did have sex all the time, it would make me stop. Like you said, it's not an or thing", says Ellie.
"I see.", but then, Bob thinks, and suddenly jumps out of bed.
"Oh my God, you are fucking Nina!", says Bob.
"Wait, how did you?"
"Amar mentioned how close the two of you were, and how often he does it with his wife I just put two and two together. Plus, you sort of just confirmed it"
"Fuck", says Ellie. She wanted to avoid telling Bob right away. "Are you mad at me?"
"Not really. Disappointed in me. Worried about Amar, he is one of my key employees! My VP of Marketing. And his wife is cheating on him with his boss's wife", says Bob, worried
"She is telling him, right now"
"Wow, you never swear Bob. I have to tell you something else..."
"What? Did you fuck Amar too?", says Bob, in full on panic mode
"Wait, no. I did not fuck Amar, but Nina offered me to have sex with him, since you can't step up"
"He is my employee, Ellie. Perhaps a future partner"
"I didn't say yes. But who knows what she will tell him"
"I'll have to handle that", says Bob, about to leave the room.
"Bob... you have your priorities all screwed up. Who cares about Amar? He is a big boy with an overinflated sex drive. It's your wife you should worry about"
"I know, but when I have issues at work, my sex drive is completely blocked"
"Who said anything about sex? Your wife has been cheating on you with the wife of one of your employee. Don't you want to say something to her about it?"
"Sorry you had to resort to that", says Bob
Ellie stands up from the bed, now facing Bob.
"Fuck, you are useless when it comes to sex. Bob? I'll give you a week. If next weekend, you can't pull your head out of your ass, I will stop saying no to Nina's invitations for me to have sex with Amar. Are we clear on that?"
"Thank you. That's a clear deadline. I'll try to figure myself out"
"I'll go take a bath. Can you order sushi? I know it's your favorite. Just make sure to get those I like", says Ellie, leaving the guest bedroom without waiting for an answer.
Bob sits on the bed.
What is he supposed to do?
It's like, now that his company is starting to work, his marriage is on the cusp of falling apart.



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Game Two, which occurs a year after game one, features several couples living with chastity either in the confine of their couple, or with some side characters. A few of the couples will even share cross overs
One of the differences between game one is the absence of an intermission. Just click on a step below to read, your progress will be saved (until you close your browser).

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Steven Kessler

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