College Chastity Choice Game 2
Charlotte chapter 1: Nathan's love life
Step #2) Dramatic meal
Tuesday 24th of August 2021 06h00 PM
In the bathtub, I can hear them play. I don't mind. It's even fun to listen. I wouldn't say exciting, but it's... something.
I can hear her orgasm, and I can hear him grunt: he still had my gag in his mouth.
That gag... I just love the feeling of being unable to communicate.
I laugh. In the first month we lived together, he found a lot of things weird with me. But the weirdest, was that a day before my period, I was getting grumpy and just put on the gag.
He was stunned. He thought I wanted to play, but I texted him that I just didn't want to yell at him. Instead, I went in to the bathtub, with my Kindle. No, wait, I didn't have my Kindle yet. I just went into the bathtub, with the gag on, and relaxed until I felt better.
Sometimes, I just do that. If I feel like I am about to say things I will regret, I put it on.
Once time, I had Nathan tie me to the bed, as I felt some biological rage in me. I was sick, fine... I was running a fever, and I wasn't myself.
See how bondage and BDSM comes so naturally to me? That's something that Ginger doesn't understand, but because I am asexual, I am rather open about BDSM.
Ok, the two aren't fully related, but when we used to visit a BDSM dungeon, Nathan was shocked that I was ready to submit or dominate both men and women.
"So are you bisexual?", he said
"No, a bisexual person desires both gender, right? So they are ready to play with either of them"
"A straight or gay person prefers one gender, so they are ready to play with one of them?"
"Like me with girls"
"Exactly. But I am asexual, so I don't prefer one over the other"
"Oh, just, for you it's not sexual"
"For me, nothing ever is", I said.
"Right.", he replied.
Now, I was brutally honest about it when we began "dating". That we were BDSM partners and eventually roommates. And between you and me? The main reason we stopped going to BDSM dungeons is that we are now fully supplied and satisfy each other on that level.
I don't need more submissive people around me than Nathan, and I don't need another dominant than Nathan or Ginger. And only because Ginger invited me in.
Nathan has another needs, but I don't. I was fully transparent and he still married me. His loss!
At least, I let him date. And well, I am cooking supper for his girlfriend. For my husband's girlfriend. Who just has sex with him, in my bed.
Do you think I feel jealous? No, I am relieved. I don't have to tolerate his nagging for me to give him a hand job or something. I mean, he if wants to masturbate, he is free to do so, but why do I have to handle that?
It took me months to make him stop ejaculating on me when he was putting me in bondage. Months.
He would gag me, I prefer to be gagged when being tied up, and abuse the fact that I was helpless to prevent him to ejaculate on me. Once, on the gag so that I ended up swallowing some.
I was so furious, he thought it was over between us. It almost was, to be honest.
But he learned, and now, he leaves me out of his sexuality. Well, I don't mind if Ginger and Nathan have sex while I am in the room, or even when I am tied up with him.
Ok, last week, something weird occurred. I came home late because, I had a flat tire. I can change my tire, don't worry about me, but I wanted to tell Nathan, who was tied up and being fucked by Ginger.
I came into the bedroom. He wasn't gagged, that is a new development. But I told him, and was ready to bolt, but they both spoke to me, while still having sex.
They kept fucking, while engaging verbally with me...
It was weird for me, but he admitted he liked it. Oh well. I do love him. I am asexual, not aromantic. I actually have feelings for Nathan.
If he left me, I would be devastated, even if I have zero sexual desire. For him or at all.
When the instant pot beeps, I get out of the bathtub, and dry myself as good as I can. I will still drip a little, but I don't worry. I am used to it.
I do the slow release, which means stopping the instant pot and letting the pressure drop over about 10 minutes. I think it's important because it doesn't cause a rapid decompression.
Does it really matter? I don't know, but I don't want to risk ruing supper.
That's the problem with experimenting with food. When you fail, you lost your ingredients. When you fail a BDSM scene in a non-catastrophic way, you just try again. Or you get hurt and you wait until you heal.
We are lucky so far.
I gently stroll toward the bedroom. The door is still open and I realize it's my fault. I am the one who left it open.
Ginger has untied Nathan, and they are cuddling on the bed. He has his eyes closed, but Ginger sees me and smiles.
She even gently waves her hand at me. I wave back, smiling. I can't believe this is my colleague I eat lunch with.
How lucky am I that my husband's girlfriend is starting to be a good friend of mine? I can even speak in French with her.
This is wonderful.
I get back to the kitchen. Pressure is starting to get low. Good, we will eat soon.
At some point, Nathan was making me eat on the floor, by his side, but he didn't seem to enjoy it. It felt weird to me. I didn't like it much, and he didn't seem to like it.
It took me weeks to understand that it was a reverse domination. He does that a lot and it's really annoying. He was making me eat on the floor because he wants me to make him eat on the floor.
I began paying attention to how he dominates me and use that to dominate him.
Oh, the little plunger or something dropped, and I can open the lid. Carefully... I am mostly nude and don't want the steam to burn me.
I eventually look in the pot, and it seems to be cooked at perfection. Good.
Once I served three plates, I put them on the table. I put the utensils, and some cloth napkins.
After having put the table, I get into the bedroom door again,
"Sorry lovers, but supper is served"
"Ça sent vraiment bien", it smells great
"Tu veux dire, ça sent vraiment bon", it smeels good.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"It's not a literal translation. In this case, we just say bon"
"Huh. Ok. Let's go eat. It's really smells wonderful."
"It does", says Nathan. "Thank for the meal, honey"
"My pleasure. Did you too have fun?", I ask
"We did. Thank you for lending me your husband"
"Hey, I did no such thing. He didn't have sex with you as my husband, but as your boyfriend"
"Wait... really?", she says, all confused
"Oh yeah, Ginger. I see you as my girlfriend. You know, you could spend the night sometimes. We couldn't mind you moving in with us", he says.
"But I am not your girlfriend. I just play with you when I am free"
"Fine, I know you don't wish to be exclusive, but I am with you. I see you has my girlfriend".
"Sorry, I but I am not your girlfriend", says Ginger, standing from the bed, almost panicking.
"Wait, sorry to have assumed.", says Nathan
"No... no... I can't do this anymore. I need to breathe, Shit, I... have I leave"
"Attend, c'est probablement un malentendu", wait, it's probably a misunderstanding.
"No, it's not. I made a mistake. Nathan, It's over between us. But Charlotte, if you give me a few days, I would like to remain friend with you and still eat with you. I like you", she says, hugging me, crying.
I hug her back. I see Nathan torn between being dumped, and horny from seeing the girl he just had sex with hugging his wife, nude.
But it doesn't last.
"Ça n'as rien avoir avec toi, tu sais?", it has nothing to do with you, you know?, she says.
"Oui, mais ne part pas. Nous pouvons en parler", yes, but don't leave. We can talk about this.
But she gets into the living room, where her clothes are. She starts to get dressed.
"Il n'y a rien à dire. En fait, si, nous sommes amies, Charlotte. Je ne peux pas te faire ça", There is nothing to say, well, in fact, yes, there is. We are friends, I can't to that to you.
"Ginger, je suis asexuelle. Je n'ai jamais fait l'amour. J'étais heureuse que tu sois la blonde de mon mari", Ginger, I am asexual, I never made love to my husband. I was happy you were my husband's girlfriend.
She looks at me. "No, I can't. Sorry."
"Au moins, reste pour le souper. Nous pouvons nous habiller", at least, say for supper. We can get dressed.
She looks at the plates. "Oh mon Dieu, ça sent bon. Mais non, je dois partir", oh my God, it smells great. But no, I have to leave.
And like that, she is out of our lives. Well, of Nathan's life.
I can hear her orgasm, and I can hear him grunt: he still had my gag in his mouth.
That gag... I just love the feeling of being unable to communicate.
I laugh. In the first month we lived together, he found a lot of things weird with me. But the weirdest, was that a day before my period, I was getting grumpy and just put on the gag.
He was stunned. He thought I wanted to play, but I texted him that I just didn't want to yell at him. Instead, I went in to the bathtub, with my Kindle. No, wait, I didn't have my Kindle yet. I just went into the bathtub, with the gag on, and relaxed until I felt better.
Sometimes, I just do that. If I feel like I am about to say things I will regret, I put it on.
Once time, I had Nathan tie me to the bed, as I felt some biological rage in me. I was sick, fine... I was running a fever, and I wasn't myself.
See how bondage and BDSM comes so naturally to me? That's something that Ginger doesn't understand, but because I am asexual, I am rather open about BDSM.
Ok, the two aren't fully related, but when we used to visit a BDSM dungeon, Nathan was shocked that I was ready to submit or dominate both men and women.
"So are you bisexual?", he said
"No, a bisexual person desires both gender, right? So they are ready to play with either of them"
"A straight or gay person prefers one gender, so they are ready to play with one of them?"
"Like me with girls"
"Exactly. But I am asexual, so I don't prefer one over the other"
"Oh, just, for you it's not sexual"
"For me, nothing ever is", I said.
"Right.", he replied.
Now, I was brutally honest about it when we began "dating". That we were BDSM partners and eventually roommates. And between you and me? The main reason we stopped going to BDSM dungeons is that we are now fully supplied and satisfy each other on that level.
I don't need more submissive people around me than Nathan, and I don't need another dominant than Nathan or Ginger. And only because Ginger invited me in.
Nathan has another needs, but I don't. I was fully transparent and he still married me. His loss!
At least, I let him date. And well, I am cooking supper for his girlfriend. For my husband's girlfriend. Who just has sex with him, in my bed.
Do you think I feel jealous? No, I am relieved. I don't have to tolerate his nagging for me to give him a hand job or something. I mean, he if wants to masturbate, he is free to do so, but why do I have to handle that?
It took me months to make him stop ejaculating on me when he was putting me in bondage. Months.
He would gag me, I prefer to be gagged when being tied up, and abuse the fact that I was helpless to prevent him to ejaculate on me. Once, on the gag so that I ended up swallowing some.
I was so furious, he thought it was over between us. It almost was, to be honest.
But he learned, and now, he leaves me out of his sexuality. Well, I don't mind if Ginger and Nathan have sex while I am in the room, or even when I am tied up with him.
Ok, last week, something weird occurred. I came home late because, I had a flat tire. I can change my tire, don't worry about me, but I wanted to tell Nathan, who was tied up and being fucked by Ginger.
I came into the bedroom. He wasn't gagged, that is a new development. But I told him, and was ready to bolt, but they both spoke to me, while still having sex.
They kept fucking, while engaging verbally with me...
It was weird for me, but he admitted he liked it. Oh well. I do love him. I am asexual, not aromantic. I actually have feelings for Nathan.
If he left me, I would be devastated, even if I have zero sexual desire. For him or at all.
When the instant pot beeps, I get out of the bathtub, and dry myself as good as I can. I will still drip a little, but I don't worry. I am used to it.
I do the slow release, which means stopping the instant pot and letting the pressure drop over about 10 minutes. I think it's important because it doesn't cause a rapid decompression.
Does it really matter? I don't know, but I don't want to risk ruing supper.
That's the problem with experimenting with food. When you fail, you lost your ingredients. When you fail a BDSM scene in a non-catastrophic way, you just try again. Or you get hurt and you wait until you heal.
We are lucky so far.
I gently stroll toward the bedroom. The door is still open and I realize it's my fault. I am the one who left it open.
Ginger has untied Nathan, and they are cuddling on the bed. He has his eyes closed, but Ginger sees me and smiles.
She even gently waves her hand at me. I wave back, smiling. I can't believe this is my colleague I eat lunch with.
How lucky am I that my husband's girlfriend is starting to be a good friend of mine? I can even speak in French with her.
This is wonderful.
I get back to the kitchen. Pressure is starting to get low. Good, we will eat soon.
At some point, Nathan was making me eat on the floor, by his side, but he didn't seem to enjoy it. It felt weird to me. I didn't like it much, and he didn't seem to like it.
It took me weeks to understand that it was a reverse domination. He does that a lot and it's really annoying. He was making me eat on the floor because he wants me to make him eat on the floor.
I began paying attention to how he dominates me and use that to dominate him.
Oh, the little plunger or something dropped, and I can open the lid. Carefully... I am mostly nude and don't want the steam to burn me.
I eventually look in the pot, and it seems to be cooked at perfection. Good.
Once I served three plates, I put them on the table. I put the utensils, and some cloth napkins.
After having put the table, I get into the bedroom door again,
"Sorry lovers, but supper is served"
"Ça sent vraiment bien", it smells great
"Tu veux dire, ça sent vraiment bon", it smeels good.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"It's not a literal translation. In this case, we just say bon"
"Huh. Ok. Let's go eat. It's really smells wonderful."
"It does", says Nathan. "Thank for the meal, honey"
"My pleasure. Did you too have fun?", I ask
"We did. Thank you for lending me your husband"
"Hey, I did no such thing. He didn't have sex with you as my husband, but as your boyfriend"
"Wait... really?", she says, all confused
"Oh yeah, Ginger. I see you as my girlfriend. You know, you could spend the night sometimes. We couldn't mind you moving in with us", he says.
"But I am not your girlfriend. I just play with you when I am free"
"Fine, I know you don't wish to be exclusive, but I am with you. I see you has my girlfriend".
"Sorry, I but I am not your girlfriend", says Ginger, standing from the bed, almost panicking.
"Wait, sorry to have assumed.", says Nathan
"No... no... I can't do this anymore. I need to breathe, Shit, I... have I leave"
"Attend, c'est probablement un malentendu", wait, it's probably a misunderstanding.
"No, it's not. I made a mistake. Nathan, It's over between us. But Charlotte, if you give me a few days, I would like to remain friend with you and still eat with you. I like you", she says, hugging me, crying.
I hug her back. I see Nathan torn between being dumped, and horny from seeing the girl he just had sex with hugging his wife, nude.
But it doesn't last.
"Ça n'as rien avoir avec toi, tu sais?", it has nothing to do with you, you know?, she says.
"Oui, mais ne part pas. Nous pouvons en parler", yes, but don't leave. We can talk about this.
But she gets into the living room, where her clothes are. She starts to get dressed.
"Il n'y a rien à dire. En fait, si, nous sommes amies, Charlotte. Je ne peux pas te faire ça", There is nothing to say, well, in fact, yes, there is. We are friends, I can't to that to you.
"Ginger, je suis asexuelle. Je n'ai jamais fait l'amour. J'étais heureuse que tu sois la blonde de mon mari", Ginger, I am asexual, I never made love to my husband. I was happy you were my husband's girlfriend.
She looks at me. "No, I can't. Sorry."
"Au moins, reste pour le souper. Nous pouvons nous habiller", at least, say for supper. We can get dressed.
She looks at the plates. "Oh mon Dieu, ça sent bon. Mais non, je dois partir", oh my God, it smells great. But no, I have to leave.
And like that, she is out of our lives. Well, of Nathan's life.
Point of view Character




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Game Two, which occurs a year after game one, features several couples living with chastity either in the confine of their couple, or with some side characters. A few of the couples will even share cross overs
One of the differences between game one is the absence of an intermission. Just click on a step below to read, your progress will be saved (until you close your browser).

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Steven Kessler

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