College Chastity Choice Game 2
Candace chapter 1: Candace meets Kenneth
Step #1) Candace at a party
Wednesday 25th of August 2021 06h00 PM
"So what does your company do exactly?", asked Richard, whom everyone called Dick, but I refused.
"Well, we don't just print stuff, we also design it"
"Right because we can get our stuff printed at Staples, right? That's where I usually go"
He was definitely getting on my nerves. I didn't so much choose to talk to him as he cornered me and asked highly personal questions.
"Oh, for a few things, sure. They might actually be faster and cheaper than I am for a small turn around order"
"So I guess, I don't get what you do"
"imagine that you need a banner to hang in front of your house for a party"
"Right. I did that. At Staples"
"Exactly, do you recall how big it was?"
But Richard just shrugged.
"Imagine you had a 3 by 8 foot banner. You would be $87.99 for it"
"Right, and it's cheaper than for the 3 by 6"
"Of course, the material is 8 foot long, so they need to cut 2 feet wide for it, and it's a waste which takes more time"
"I didn't know that"
"So, did you see the printer where they printed your banner?"
"Hum. No. They said it was an overnight job"
"Right, overnight. So, they kept the store opened, and printed it in the back somewhere?"
"I guess"
"I've seen their printer for your banner. It's too big to fit in the back, since they have their warehouse with excess stock back there"
"So where do they keep it?", he asks
Even the girl I presume he is dating, she is sending him signals if they are not, asks where.
"In my print shop", I said, laughing.
"Wait, so they rent space in your shop to keep their printing press?"
But she hits him. She got it, not him.
"They outsourced it to her"
"Oh, that makes more sense"
"Exactly. We are complimentary. I print for them what needs special equipment, and they handle the labor-intensive small orders. I prefer to deal with corporate clients who will order 22 copies of their annual report of 60 pages, then the college student who only needs two copies of a 4 pages lab report."
"Got it. Labor is expensive", he says, and suddenly, the girl after him's eyes sparkle.
So, she mostly ignores it when he is a moron, and is impressed when he says basis things?
Got it. Floozy.
This is why I am single. I don't get this. All of this.
Why should I care if a guy gets something obvious, or laugh at his stupid joke.
I have guys running after me. Guys with a redhead fetish, and yeah, I can spot them a mile around, guys who like tattooed girls but are too scared to get one. Guys who like businesswomen because they think we are sexier or something.
No, thank you.
The best way to avoid domestic violence isn't by avoiding the violence, but by avoiding the domestic part. My mother never understood that.
I don't even know why I came to this party. I mean, I do. Honestly, I just want to make friends and each time I get invited to one, I make this movie in my head of how people will be interesting and get utterly devastated when they are not.
And each time, they suck.
It's simple, in the last year, I had one great party. A single one. Can you believe it? And why? Because it was my Christmas office party, which I planned from A to Z and because it only had my employees.
Fine, not everyone liked it, but I did. Well, Lesly did, and Gemma, well, it's always hard to tell with Gemma. As for Grant, he is the sweetest. It would have sucked and he would thank her for the great party.
This is why I couldn't ever date him. He is too weak
Where is Lesly? She brought me to this party as her plus one, and while the party itself is a success, attendance is high and people seem to be having fun, Lesly disappeared and left me alone with people I don't even know.
Lesly is... positive. She is rather open sexually and might be currently banging a dude, or two. It's heard of.
In all cases, I am tired of stupid pointless one-sided conversations. They want to know who I am, but I end up learning nothing about them.
What does Richard do? Is he a student? Is he dating the girl next to him? What's her name?
No idea. If it were just him, it would be fine, but it's all of them. It's like, they come to gossip and learn about others, but not share about them.
I realize the house is on two floors. Stupid, right? I spent 2 hours without noticing the staircase.
Why? Because people are always sitting on it.
I squeeze through them. If someone is having sex, Lesly is.
I sigh. The last time I caught her having sex with a dude, she began talking to me, while the guy was banging her.
I could see her tits and all!
He finished, and she stood up from the bed to talk to me while she didn't even bother dressing back up.
I was thinking: "Damn girl, he is done, can't you put some clothes on?"
But another guy got in and began to undress. I left. Not the room, the party.
I love her, don't mistake me, but I don't want to witness her sexual life.
I find her in the first room. With a guy under her, and another sort of behind her, so they can do a double penetration.
"Candace!", she tells me, excited to see me.
I sigh. She should be ashamed of being caught, not excited to see her boss.
I think that's part of the problem. We were friends from before I hired her, and she doesn't see herself as my employee. More like a friend who is helping me kick-start my business and getting a paycheck in exchange.
She is naked. It seems that she can't ever have sex with any clothes on, but both guys are partially dressed.
"What the fuck", says the guy below. At least one of them is shy or has some self-respect
"She's cool, Harvey. Don't freak out"
"I mean, bitch, close the door"
But Lesly complains, and moves away.
"Hey, I wasn't done", says Harvey
"Oh, yeah, you are. I'll continue just with Jacob"
"Jake", says the guy
"Wait, just Jake? I thought it was short for Jacob"
"Nope, but you can call me whatever you want", he says, winking
"What did I do?" says Harvey, whining
"You called my best friend a bitch, asshole. And men aren't allowed to call girls bitches anymore. We are reclaiming that word. It's like the n word"
"Fine, bitch", says Harvey, grabbing his clothes.
"Get the fuck out of here", says Lesly
"Want me to deck him?", says Jake
"And risk hurting you? No way. Get back in, this bitch needs more sex"
But Jake, he leaves, pushes me aside. I am not a pushover, so I grab his neck and shoved him in the door frame.
"Ouch Bitch, you are hurting me"
"You fucking shoved me, asshole."
"So fucking what"
So, I push him out the door, when a jacked up guy was going to the restroom. Wait, I spoke to that guy. Greg? He has a redhead fetish. It showed.
I leave the room and close the door.
"Oops, sorry. This Jerkface called me a bitch and shoved me"
"Harvey, I'll fucking kick your ass if you don't get out"
"Tom, stay out of this"
"Do I need to get Paul involved?", Tom said
But Harvey sighs. "Fine, this party sucks anyway"
Harvey leaves, getting dressed as he does, and I thank Tom.
"Who's Paul?" I ask.
Tom points to a picture frame on the wall. "That's Tom, and that's Lucy. It's their house"
"Sorry, I came here with Lesly"
"Right. She's in there, of course Harvey went overboard. He's been in love with Lesly for months"
"Really?", I said, confused. Lesly isn't into relationships, but that doesn't mean guys don't try.
"Lesly could do so much better than him, thought"
"Like you?", I say, almost rolling my eyes.
"Nope. I only have eyes for you. I need to use the restroom, can we pick this conversation up later?"
"Sure", I say, but as soon as he gets into the bathroom, I duck and hide in what turns out to be the master bedroom.
The light is turned off, but it appears to be empty. At last, some quiet.
I sit on the bed, and turn on the lamp on the bedside table.
I see a picture of Tom and Lucy at their wedding. They look so young.
I look around, and open the drawer, finding a phallus shape vibrator. I smile. Lucy, you sly dog...
I test the battery when I hear a noise, from inside the room. I turn it off and go open the main light.
Checking around, I see no one, but I notice a door, on the wall, with a privacy lock.
So, I try the handle, but it's locked. I knock asking if anyone is in here, but get no answer.
I take out my keys and use them to turn the privacy lock and open the door, to find a guy, standing in front of the mirror, with a sort of out of place look.
He is blonde, which is a major turn-off for me, and his face is riddled from acne scars. He is tall, that's a plus, but everything about him screams loser.
"Hey, why didn't you say you were here?"
"Sorry, I am not feeling well"
"Drank too much?", I say
"No, I didn't even drink. Must be something I ate. Not at the party, before I came here"
"Right. I occurred to me once too. But I went to a pre-party, they had deviled eggs and everyone who ate them was sick"
"Is this your house?", he asks
"No. It's Tom and Lucy, whoever they are"
He seemed oddly to relax.
"So you don't know them either? I was afraid they wouldn't want me in here. I mean, their bedroom light was off"
"Hey, if you allow strangers to your party, they will go everywhere", I say.
"Yeah", he says, smiling
"Are you going to hurl?", I ask
"I think it calmed down"
"Me, when I have a stomach upset, I like to lie down on the bed", I propose
"Wait, won't that worsen it?"
"I know! Everyone says that to me. If you are going to hurl, don't. But if it's just a stomach upset with no acid reflux, I find that it helps me. Come, I'll keep you company, if you promise to stay on your side"
"Scout's honor", he says
"Were you really a scout?"
"Not really. It's simply an expression. Were you?"
"Heck no. As if my parents would pay for that", I say
"At least you had two. I don't know who my father is", he says
I get back to the bedroom.
"I'll turn off the lights, but don't get any ideas. The light can worsen it, you know?"
"Oh, I know. It's why I came into the bedroom originally"
"I see".
I sit on the bed, and he lies down on it
"I am not seeing any differences", he says
"Give it time", I tell him.
"Well, we don't just print stuff, we also design it"
"Right because we can get our stuff printed at Staples, right? That's where I usually go"
He was definitely getting on my nerves. I didn't so much choose to talk to him as he cornered me and asked highly personal questions.
"Oh, for a few things, sure. They might actually be faster and cheaper than I am for a small turn around order"
"So I guess, I don't get what you do"
"imagine that you need a banner to hang in front of your house for a party"
"Right. I did that. At Staples"
"Exactly, do you recall how big it was?"
But Richard just shrugged.
"Imagine you had a 3 by 8 foot banner. You would be $87.99 for it"
"Right, and it's cheaper than for the 3 by 6"
"Of course, the material is 8 foot long, so they need to cut 2 feet wide for it, and it's a waste which takes more time"
"I didn't know that"
"So, did you see the printer where they printed your banner?"
"Hum. No. They said it was an overnight job"
"Right, overnight. So, they kept the store opened, and printed it in the back somewhere?"
"I guess"
"I've seen their printer for your banner. It's too big to fit in the back, since they have their warehouse with excess stock back there"
"So where do they keep it?", he asks
Even the girl I presume he is dating, she is sending him signals if they are not, asks where.
"In my print shop", I said, laughing.
"Wait, so they rent space in your shop to keep their printing press?"
But she hits him. She got it, not him.
"They outsourced it to her"
"Oh, that makes more sense"
"Exactly. We are complimentary. I print for them what needs special equipment, and they handle the labor-intensive small orders. I prefer to deal with corporate clients who will order 22 copies of their annual report of 60 pages, then the college student who only needs two copies of a 4 pages lab report."
"Got it. Labor is expensive", he says, and suddenly, the girl after him's eyes sparkle.
So, she mostly ignores it when he is a moron, and is impressed when he says basis things?
Got it. Floozy.
This is why I am single. I don't get this. All of this.
Why should I care if a guy gets something obvious, or laugh at his stupid joke.
I have guys running after me. Guys with a redhead fetish, and yeah, I can spot them a mile around, guys who like tattooed girls but are too scared to get one. Guys who like businesswomen because they think we are sexier or something.
No, thank you.
The best way to avoid domestic violence isn't by avoiding the violence, but by avoiding the domestic part. My mother never understood that.
I don't even know why I came to this party. I mean, I do. Honestly, I just want to make friends and each time I get invited to one, I make this movie in my head of how people will be interesting and get utterly devastated when they are not.
And each time, they suck.
It's simple, in the last year, I had one great party. A single one. Can you believe it? And why? Because it was my Christmas office party, which I planned from A to Z and because it only had my employees.
Fine, not everyone liked it, but I did. Well, Lesly did, and Gemma, well, it's always hard to tell with Gemma. As for Grant, he is the sweetest. It would have sucked and he would thank her for the great party.
This is why I couldn't ever date him. He is too weak
Where is Lesly? She brought me to this party as her plus one, and while the party itself is a success, attendance is high and people seem to be having fun, Lesly disappeared and left me alone with people I don't even know.
Lesly is... positive. She is rather open sexually and might be currently banging a dude, or two. It's heard of.
In all cases, I am tired of stupid pointless one-sided conversations. They want to know who I am, but I end up learning nothing about them.
What does Richard do? Is he a student? Is he dating the girl next to him? What's her name?
No idea. If it were just him, it would be fine, but it's all of them. It's like, they come to gossip and learn about others, but not share about them.
I realize the house is on two floors. Stupid, right? I spent 2 hours without noticing the staircase.
Why? Because people are always sitting on it.
I squeeze through them. If someone is having sex, Lesly is.
I sigh. The last time I caught her having sex with a dude, she began talking to me, while the guy was banging her.
I could see her tits and all!
He finished, and she stood up from the bed to talk to me while she didn't even bother dressing back up.
I was thinking: "Damn girl, he is done, can't you put some clothes on?"
But another guy got in and began to undress. I left. Not the room, the party.
I love her, don't mistake me, but I don't want to witness her sexual life.
I find her in the first room. With a guy under her, and another sort of behind her, so they can do a double penetration.
"Candace!", she tells me, excited to see me.
I sigh. She should be ashamed of being caught, not excited to see her boss.
I think that's part of the problem. We were friends from before I hired her, and she doesn't see herself as my employee. More like a friend who is helping me kick-start my business and getting a paycheck in exchange.
She is naked. It seems that she can't ever have sex with any clothes on, but both guys are partially dressed.
"What the fuck", says the guy below. At least one of them is shy or has some self-respect
"She's cool, Harvey. Don't freak out"
"I mean, bitch, close the door"
But Lesly complains, and moves away.
"Hey, I wasn't done", says Harvey
"Oh, yeah, you are. I'll continue just with Jacob"
"Jake", says the guy
"Wait, just Jake? I thought it was short for Jacob"
"Nope, but you can call me whatever you want", he says, winking
"What did I do?" says Harvey, whining
"You called my best friend a bitch, asshole. And men aren't allowed to call girls bitches anymore. We are reclaiming that word. It's like the n word"
"Fine, bitch", says Harvey, grabbing his clothes.
"Get the fuck out of here", says Lesly
"Want me to deck him?", says Jake
"And risk hurting you? No way. Get back in, this bitch needs more sex"
But Jake, he leaves, pushes me aside. I am not a pushover, so I grab his neck and shoved him in the door frame.
"Ouch Bitch, you are hurting me"
"You fucking shoved me, asshole."
"So fucking what"
So, I push him out the door, when a jacked up guy was going to the restroom. Wait, I spoke to that guy. Greg? He has a redhead fetish. It showed.
I leave the room and close the door.
"Oops, sorry. This Jerkface called me a bitch and shoved me"
"Harvey, I'll fucking kick your ass if you don't get out"
"Tom, stay out of this"
"Do I need to get Paul involved?", Tom said
But Harvey sighs. "Fine, this party sucks anyway"
Harvey leaves, getting dressed as he does, and I thank Tom.
"Who's Paul?" I ask.
Tom points to a picture frame on the wall. "That's Tom, and that's Lucy. It's their house"
"Sorry, I came here with Lesly"
"Right. She's in there, of course Harvey went overboard. He's been in love with Lesly for months"
"Really?", I said, confused. Lesly isn't into relationships, but that doesn't mean guys don't try.
"Lesly could do so much better than him, thought"
"Like you?", I say, almost rolling my eyes.
"Nope. I only have eyes for you. I need to use the restroom, can we pick this conversation up later?"
"Sure", I say, but as soon as he gets into the bathroom, I duck and hide in what turns out to be the master bedroom.
The light is turned off, but it appears to be empty. At last, some quiet.
I sit on the bed, and turn on the lamp on the bedside table.
I see a picture of Tom and Lucy at their wedding. They look so young.
I look around, and open the drawer, finding a phallus shape vibrator. I smile. Lucy, you sly dog...
I test the battery when I hear a noise, from inside the room. I turn it off and go open the main light.
Checking around, I see no one, but I notice a door, on the wall, with a privacy lock.
So, I try the handle, but it's locked. I knock asking if anyone is in here, but get no answer.
I take out my keys and use them to turn the privacy lock and open the door, to find a guy, standing in front of the mirror, with a sort of out of place look.
He is blonde, which is a major turn-off for me, and his face is riddled from acne scars. He is tall, that's a plus, but everything about him screams loser.
"Hey, why didn't you say you were here?"
"Sorry, I am not feeling well"
"Drank too much?", I say
"No, I didn't even drink. Must be something I ate. Not at the party, before I came here"
"Right. I occurred to me once too. But I went to a pre-party, they had deviled eggs and everyone who ate them was sick"
"Is this your house?", he asks
"No. It's Tom and Lucy, whoever they are"
He seemed oddly to relax.
"So you don't know them either? I was afraid they wouldn't want me in here. I mean, their bedroom light was off"
"Hey, if you allow strangers to your party, they will go everywhere", I say.
"Yeah", he says, smiling
"Are you going to hurl?", I ask
"I think it calmed down"
"Me, when I have a stomach upset, I like to lie down on the bed", I propose
"Wait, won't that worsen it?"
"I know! Everyone says that to me. If you are going to hurl, don't. But if it's just a stomach upset with no acid reflux, I find that it helps me. Come, I'll keep you company, if you promise to stay on your side"
"Scout's honor", he says
"Were you really a scout?"
"Not really. It's simply an expression. Were you?"
"Heck no. As if my parents would pay for that", I say
"At least you had two. I don't know who my father is", he says
I get back to the bedroom.
"I'll turn off the lights, but don't get any ideas. The light can worsen it, you know?"
"Oh, I know. It's why I came into the bedroom originally"
"I see".
I sit on the bed, and he lies down on it
"I am not seeing any differences", he says
"Give it time", I tell him.
Point of view Character




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Game Two, which occurs a year after game one, features several couples living with chastity either in the confine of their couple, or with some side characters. A few of the couples will even share cross overs
One of the differences between game one is the absence of an intermission. Just click on a step below to read, your progress will be saved (until you close your browser).

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Steven Kessler

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